
What is ur primary economic concern...?

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1. High cost of gas/transportation

2. Health care costs

3. Low wages/insufficient funds

4. Inflation

5. Cost of living (food, insurance costs, home maintenance, etc.)

6. Other...(Please specify)




  1. For me it's all of the above too.. My situation is so unstable that for me if I have a disaster happen like needing new car tires  I am in serious serious trouble. Health care cost.  I need dental surgery very badly but I have no insurance.. To get one tooth pulled takes a whole months paycheck..then I can't pay anything else.. It will take $10,000 to get all my teeth fixed to the point that I can actually survive without living on pain pills. That's over a years pay for me. I have already had to cancel life insurance due to economics... I BARELY make enough every month to just barely survive. I would love to eat health fruits/veggies..but it's not gonna happen. I have a student loan repayment kicking in in August and I will be in trouble.. it's not gonna be paid.. I can't..

  2. The high cost of gasoline affects so many other things, like prices of food and services, so I think it's our primary concern right now.

  3. I think what your listed is the matter of public concern worldwide.

    1) High cost of gas/transportation

    Hong Kong is facing the problem of high cost of fuel for taxi drivers, truck and dump truck drivers, the fishermen, and private car owners. Hong Kong is a gambling city where is absolute no natural resources, and the fascist government never express any concern and idea of sustainable development. They don't give a d**n to the angry protesters from the above-noted citizens who consume gas. They just want the wrong Hong Kong systems "stay put" and keep on drawing highest salaries in this world from our tax dollars.

    2) Health care costs.

    Although Hong Kong Health costs are still affordable for the many, there are quite a few (more than 200,000) citizens can't afford to pay the bills. They are ended up with suicides or had died without medical treatments. Many aware that Hong Kong public hospitals are providing the cheap bulk medical pills for the 70% health budget are paid to the civil servants of doctors, health administration, nurses and medical consultants.

    3)Wages disparity is a never ending problem for maintaing the highest gini coefficient of 0.55, almost the worst poor and rich gap in this world. All Hong Kong civil servants are overpaid and under worked in comparison to almost all lower pays in the private sectors. The Hong Kong government should think about cut the all overpaid civil servants' salaries. However, the god damned Hong Kong chief executive, Donald Tsang Yum-kuen rasised his salary by 90k per month. And most of Hong Kong senior citizenhs are getting no Hong Kong pension fund and getting less than 1k ($625-705 HK dollars per month) fruit fund instead of at least 4k HK d. per month to become affordable to live in this number5 most expensive city in this world. What a damned city with many are living in a dog's life with 2 millions are living under the poverty line.

    4) Inflation is rapidly high. The only resolution is to destroy the stock markets and real estate transactions in Hong Kong as many wise peoples say. But Hong Kong is an evil city of gambling and no powerful one want to change it.

    5) Cost of living is very high is currently ranked as No.5 and was once as No. 2 most expensive city to live in this world.

    I wish I could say something more favorable other than Donald Tsang Yum-kuen drop dead, drop dead.

  4. The most serious problem on me is "High Cost of Gas/ Transportation because our family, particularly, my parents get accustomed to using a car to work. However, Soared price in Japan is also correlated to the issue between crude oil and bio-ethanol in the world.

  5. I have 3 children; and Insurance costs is primary now while other is inflation.

  6. I think my biggest economic concern is cost of living. thou I know many people say gas but quite honestly I think anyone who says the price of gas is the biggest issue is probely just frusterated more with the fact that there paying twice as much at the pump than what they were paying in 2000.If you a middle class american making between 40-60 k and paying an extra 20 dollars more a week at the pump compared to yr 2000 then I doubt that will hurt you much. I've adapted and simply eat out less and buy more groceriys and I've found that gas doesn't even put a dent in my budget if I don't go out as much. well thats if you don't consider the fact that I could be paying less at the pump and eat out less and then have more money to save.but if your making 30k per less I can understand.  What concerns me the most is that there's no more pension plan anymore. just 401k and other inept retironment program that only will compensate you enough to live if you combine it with the social security program that wont exist by the time I retire. I'm 23 years old and make 40k as a Union contruction worker and I'm blessed with a good retironment program but without it I'd be screwed. I think the government need to do more for retirment benfits.It's bad enough inflation eats the money you save but then it's even worse if you can't even make a fraction of what you make working after your retired. another economis issue is wages. Are wages aren't getting any  higher but yet the cost of living is.  I think we should pay congressmen minium wage  that way they would make everyone rich.

  7. Health care,because I work in that field and the cost to provide adequate care seems to rise constantly and doesn't show signs of slowing down,I worry about what my young daughter will do when she is my age

  8. All of the above!!!

    I think it depends on how broke you are.... If I said health care costs presumably I would have my basic living costs covered or have a serious illness.

    For example: I am super broke. I can't even begin to think about going to a doctor. My main economic concerns are groceries and avoiding eviction. My credit card debt, phone bill, and student loans don't even enter into the equation any more.

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