
What is ur scour in (who has the biggest brain)??

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What is ur scour in (who has the biggest brain)??




  1. My score is 203.  I did have the biggest brain when I was younger.  But I drink a lot of beer.  My brain has been shrinking ever since. BEER KILLS brain cells.  

    Oh and what is the power of TD?

  2. Well that would be between Kookee,Kiwi Joey and Matthew F... lol

    EDIT:As you can see OZ has no brains at all.He likes to hand out Thumbs down to all answerers because he never knows who gives them to him..

  3. There are different theories on IQ testing.

    Some don't like testing children; while others think that your IQ's potential for growth is better while you are younger, because you are still going through the academic process; and you are also learning to think in an abstract sense.

    Others think life experience helps develop this more than academia.  While some argue that your capacity to store and decipher knowledge decreases with age.

    So, as a previous poster said, it's not the biggest IQ that matters.  It's a question of how you use your brain.  Every body has something to offer.


    Three tests with different results: 129, 128 and 131.  Anyway, who cares?

  4. everyone except me but hollow one !

    the first answerer whose account is suspended was absolutely bang on target !

    god bless!

    best wishes

  5. kokkey

  6. That guy called KooKee :P

  7. mine  

  8. I'm not saying mine is bigger, I just use it better then some people! lol Are you asking our IQ ?I did know mine but can't remember exactly, but I do know I came in the top ten Australia wide when they did a national IQ test on TV a few years ago.

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