
What is ure view and opinion?

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Do u believe that u can learn to love someone who loves u?




  1. Yes! with my whole heart.. Yes...  I learned to fall in love with my man of 4 yrs... I knew he was decent, kind and caring and he loved me from day one...  over time, I completely 100% fell in love with him :)

  2. yes and it could be the perfect match, why because only one of you needs to learn to love I would take the chance you can only gain nothing to loose

  3. Great question, it boils down to what is love?

    Is love a chemical reaction in the brain that we  have no control over? Then the answer is no, you can not learn to love someone.

    Is love mostly self illusion, we tell ourselves we love that person and then we do? If so, then yes we can learn to love someone.

    Is love a response to outside stimuli and behavior?

    Then we can learn to love someone as they treat us in a certain way and we feel it is positive, we start to respond with love.

    I believe  that it is different for each person. I do believe that over time my feelings for people change, and I can fall in love with someone, and in fact find them to be more attractive as I get to know them and they treat me in a way that I enjoy.

    Only you can know if it is possible for you. Still an excellent question.

  4. I'm not sure you can learn to love someone. You can grow to love someone. Being with someone and respecting them and receiving love and respect from them can cause you to love them. Love is a tricky emotion.

  5. If you don't love someone, don't fool yourself or them for that matter. Just let them know that you don't feel the same way! If one person does not love the other than it is not meant to be. You will spend the rest of your life being miserable!!

  6. I think you can learn to like someone, but maybe love is too strong a feeling to learn.

  7. love doesn't exist

  8. I think you can learn to really care for someone you don't love but don't believe you can learn to love someone.

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