
What is use the data structure in software engineering?

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What is use the data structure in software engineering?




  1. Data Structures are pre-defined structures to arrange and organize data within a computer program that is easy to access and process. Examples are arrays, struct, class, trees, linked lists, stacks, queues, etc.

    The above definition might not be a comprehensive one but it precisely gives you the idea about Data Structures. A software engineer has to decide as to which data structure would be most suitable in what situation and why. In addition considering the current and future needs of the software would that data structure is most appropriate or not.

  2. If, by saying "data structures," you are referring to things such as trees, linked lists, hash tables, etc and NOT data types (such as structs and classes), then they offer a couple use advantages. First, data structures can vary in size and can be changed as needed at runtime. This means they can be optimized to fit the user's needs. Next data structures can offer advantages to aid in manipulation of data quickly and easily. Different data structures offer different advantages. For example, a linked list allows you to create a list of items that can vary in length and does not necessarily have to be (but can) put in any order. This would be useful if the user had to create a list of some sort (like a shopping list). Queues and stacks are very useful when you need to handle information in a specific order in relation to the order it arrived. Queues work like a line. The first item in the line is the first one that is going to be handled. The last one in line is the last one out. Stacks are like a stack of papers. The last item you put in a stack is the first one you are going to see when you handle that data. The first item in the stack is the last one you will handle. Trees are useful when you have to represent data in a hierarchy. Think of a file system. You have directories and files and more directories in each directory. This allows multiple items to be shown with along with the patch to get to that location. Other data structures, such as the hash map allow data to be very quickly found and read from a large amount of data. Different data structures exist and have advantages that could not be attained without the concept of data structures.

    Data structures are a necessity for any software engineer.

  3. Dude

    "a program = algorithm ( logic) + data structure " as some great programmer  stated long time ago

    So basically different programs need various ways ti store data , which will be manipulated by the logic of the program itself. Some programs r simple and do with arrays and priming data types ( like  floats  , strings, and integers ) . However, "real world" programs need MORE than that for various reasons . Sometimes it's the logic of the program that determines the data structure ; other times , a specific data structure  would make the program faster ( maybe 100s of times! ) ; so all in all , the need for the program determines the  data structure   to be used .

  4. data structures are used to store and retrieve data in software programs. Different data structures have their pros and cons. Stacks, Queues and Linked lists are some types of data structures

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