
What is viability analysis?

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i want to find out what is the scope of my company's( Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd ) viability analysis




  1. Study of posebilities of a certain project to take off. At the start of a project or any activities it is advisable to the a study of whether a project can work.

  2. Viability analyses are of two types

    Population viability

    Business Viability

    Viability analysis is a Risk and success


  3. Population viability analysis (PVA) is a species-specific method of risk assessment frequently used in conservation biology. It is traditionally defined as the process that determines the probability that a population will go extinct within a given number of years. More recently, PVA has been described as a marriage of ecology and statistics that brings together species characteristics and environmental variability to forecast population health and extinction risk. Each PVA is individually developed for a target population or species, and consequently, each PVA is unique. The larger goal in mind when conducting a PVA is to ensure that the population of a species is self-sustaining over the long term.

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