
What is volleyballs made from? And where can you find the info?

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What is volleyballs made from? And where can you find the info?




  1. leather

  2. Good volleyballs are made of 18 panels of genuine leather wrapped around a bladder, usually made of a rubber product.

    The next level is a synthetic leather.

    The cheap volleyballs are made of rubber on the outside as well as the inside.  

    Check the below web site for more details.

  3. Volleyball

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    This article is about the indoor sport with six players per team. For the outdoor version, see Beach volleyball.

    For the ball used in this sport, see Volleyball (ball).

    For the NES game, see Volleyball (video game).


    Typical volleyball action

    Highest governing body FIVB

    First played 1895, Holyoke, Massachusetts (USA)


    Contact No Contact

    Team Members 6

    Mixed Gender Single

    Category Indoor

    Ball Volleyball

    Olympic 1964

    Volleyball is an Olympic team sport in which two teams of six active players, separated by a high net, each try to score points against one another by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules.[1]

    The complete rules of volleyball are extensive, but in general, play proceeds as follows: Points are scored by grounding the ball on the opponents' court, or when the opponent commits a fault. The first team to reach 25 points wins the set and the first team to win three sets wins the match.[2] Teams can contact the ball no more than three times before the ball crosses the net, and consecutive contacts must be made by different players. The ball is usually played with the hands or arms, but players can legally strike or push (short contact) the ball with any part of the body. Spiking the ball is easy to hit and has a fair advantage that the other team will not be able to hit it.

    Through time, volleyball has developed to involve common techniques of spiking, passing, blocking, and setting, as well as specialised player positions and offensive and defensive structures. Because many plays are made above the top of the net, vertical jumping is an athletic skill emphasised in volleyball. This article focuses on competitive indoor volleyball, which is carefully regulated and played indoors. Numerous variations of volleyball have developed for casual play, as has the Olympic spin-off sport beach volleyball.

    Contents [hide]

    1 History of volleyball

    1.1 Origin of volleyball

    1.2 Refinements and later developments

    1.3 Volleyball in the Olympics

    2 Rules of the game

    2.1 The court

    2.2 The ball

    2.3 Game play

    2.4 Errors and faults

    2.5 Scoring

    2.6 The Libero

    2.7 Recent rule changes

    3 Skills

    3.1 Serve

    3.2 Pass

    3.3 Set

    3.4 Attack

    3.5 Block

    3.6 Dig

    4 Coaching

    4.1 Basic principles

    5 Strategy

    5.1 Player specialization

    5.2 Formations

    5.2.1 4-2

    5.2.2 6-2

    5.2.3 5-1

    6 Variations

    7 See also

    8 Related Games

    9 References

    10 External links

    a volley ball is made out of synthic leather

  4. good volleyballs are made of leather, cheap volleyballs are made of almost anything, i've played with like plastic volleyballs (i don't know why they were plastic but the ball literally said "made in china" then under it "ball materials: rubber bladder, plastic cover", please don't ever play with a plastic volleyball, it hurts to do anything with it, even set) outdoor volleyballs can be made of cloth. prices range from $25-$50 depending on quality.

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