
What is/ was the coolest thing at your school?

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What is/ was the coolest thing at your school?




  1. it's ghetto hahahahahaha.

    the teachers are really chill, well most of em anyways

  2. me :)

  3. I didnt care for middle/elementary school.

    But highschool is very free and made me feel involved.

    It was like the first time I heard the beatles.

  4. The playground.... There were slides and monkey bar fights

  5. Nothing!! We have tons of homework, Don't have lockers have to carry all of our books in our bags. We have to keep our bags in a port rack, Also we have to wear a S****y uniform!! I hate my high school!!

  6. lunch x]

  7. my teacher had the biggest **** ( sad that i am not in her class anymore) and i always asked for her help and she always bent over infront of my desk and i always had a smile leavin class everyday :)

  8. snack time was pretty chill back in the day, also field trips every other month.  

  9. Small class sizes, and we were all good friends with our teachers.  

  10. This event called Harvest Party; All the grades face-off in diff. games  to win a day off from school.

  11. the exit!

    ahhh freedom!

  12. coolest thing at high school was the theatre.

    it was massive!    

  13. idkk what the coolest thing is , but the gayest thing is

    that we have to go swimming for p,e.

    and it sucks to go with all the guys if your a girl

  14. Liquid carbon dyoxide

  15. Socilaizing and making friends was cool. Also learning things was a +.

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