
What is/was the stupidest rule at your school?

by  |  earlier

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at my school we can only have 6 people per side at lunch tables. the vice principal literally walks around counting at everyone.




  1. Girl had to wear skirts at all times

    No gum ever

    No talking in hallways

    straight lines

    No talking about anything having to do with the outside world like movies or music or anything >.<

  2. no tank tops

    No flip flops

    Boys on 1 side of the cafeteria girls on the other

    Stay in a single line

    No talking in the hallway

  3. trinity preparatory school:

    -dress code

    -laptops may only be used on rectangular tables (thats right circular tables arent allowed) and without a charger plugged in

    -they blocked youtube

    -at dances the teachers have to "be able to see sunlight between ppl dancing with eachother"

  4. Catholic School (ughhh)

    -aside from uniforms, which are a pain in the *** all together, you had to wear a d**n belt!!!

    -no running at recess, no football, no tag, no nothing!!

    - no dodgeball (ive ALWAYS resented the self esteem movement!!!)

  5. One junior high school I went to had a rule that shorts were only allowed during the months of May and June.  Huh?  If shorts are too distracting during the other months, they're too distracting during those two; if they're not too distracting during those two, they're not too distracting during the other months.

  6. We can't have our bangs in our faces! It's the most ridiculous thing.

  7. Guys, if your pants had belt loops, you HAD to have a belt on. 1964

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