
What is/was you're best expirence at a theme park.?

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Name the theme park too!

My best was at Kings Island when my friend took me there with her for her birthday.


most descriptive get 10 points!!!!




  1. I have two autistic sons. They are now 10 years and 6 years old the 10 year old, Alex, is severe.

    When he turned 6, and his brother was 2, we took them to WDW for a week. Alex had not yet started talking, though he showed signs of understanding most of what was going on around him. I kept hoping that something would happen to just make him start jabbering, but until then nothing had.

    Then I took him on Dinosaur! at Animal Kingdom. When we got off the ride, he was shaking! We had gone on a water ride before we rode that, so I didn't know for sure if he was shaking because he was cold, or scared.

    I knew the ride was the scariest thing I ever rode, (I'm always having nightmares about dinosaurs chasing me,) so I asked him, "That sure was a scary ride, huh?"

    I wasn't expected him to answer me, but out of the clear blue he said, "yeah," kinda bashfully and smiled.

    I couldn't believe it!

    This was the first, and I mean first time Alex had EVER answered anything.

    I started jumping up and down, saying, "It was a scary ride, it was a scary ride wasn't it Alex?"

    Everyone around me must have thought I lost my mind, and Alex just looked at me like I was embarrassing him, so I stopped. But that was without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me at a theme park.

    BTW, he talks much more now; he's a lot like the character "Rainman" from the same movie.

  2. my 3 best experiences were all at hersheypark. The first one i was this year with one of my friends and we were playing that game where you have to hit the frogs into the lillypad off a sorta catapult thing. Now on ceiling of the game their are prizes going all around it and theirs rafter hanging from the actual roof by chains. so my friend hits the frog and it goes through the prizes and into the rafter, then came out the other side. my friend, the game operator, and i were laughing hystarically. My second was last year when one of my other friends came up from maryland to visit. He asked the operator at the basketball game "if i make this shot and give you a doller will you give me a prize" so he makes it, gave the operator a doller and the operator gave him a prize, and my third was in 04 when i went on Canyon River Rapids like 20 times in a row with my dad and one of my other friends.

  3. I lovveeee universal studios revenge of the mummy ride is it soo much fun, but also adventureland in altoona iowa because i went there with the boy i used to like and it was an amazing time

  4. we were at geauga lake park in ohio. the park was closing in a little more than an hour. the old wooden coaster they had, i think it was called the wolf bob but not sure, was a h**l of a coaster ride. it would throw you around and physically beat you. they let us ride, get off, run back around, get back on and ride again. they did this about 20 rides in a row. the only way it could have been better was if they didn't make us get off the d**n thing. what a great finish to an already good day. sadly the park is basically gone now. what a shame.

  5. I would say my best expirence is when I worked at Cedar Point, the summer after I graduated High School. I worked the guessing game, where I guessed Ages, Wieghts, and Birthdays :P!

    It was so much fun!

    Other then that, not having to wait in 4 hour lines and just walking up teh exit ramps to get on rides :P


  6. When I was a teenager my grandma took me and a friend to Six Flags (St. Louis).  She rode every ride with us...including the Ninja...she was 62!  My friend was in awe that my 62 yr old grandma was riding all these roller coasters. LOL  It's one on my favorite memories of my grandma.  :)

  7. As much as I love Cedar has to be Great America - Gurnee.. my husband proposed to me at the top of the hill on the Raging Bull - ring and all.  And I didn't even drop it.  8 years and two kids later we're still happy.

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