
What is/was your 3 month old baby's schedule ?

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I tryed to put my baby on schedule. What time does or did you baby wake up in the morning and was was his daily schedule? I just don't know where to start!





  1. wake up 8am. breakfast play, nap 10-11, lunch play, nap 2-330, dinner play, bath, story, bottle, bed-9pm....wake up once middle of night for bottle

  2. eat, wake for an hour and a half, and then nap... repeat :) I put him to bed sometime between 8 and 8:30... and there is no rhyme or reason as to when he wakes so we're on a different schedule everyday!

  3. At three months we didn't really have one except bath, milk and story at 6-6.45pm. I know it sounds silly but if you do the same thing to get your child to sleep they eventually learn the cues and GO TO SLEEP!

  4. Let your baby determine that. You just make sure you sleep when he does, so you can be a wide-awake, happy mom. It seems to be it's something like they eat every three hours, and p**p a lot, and in between they sleep. You will be able to stretch the meal times farther apart as he gets a little bigger. This is a great time. Enjoy it, but make sure you get enough rest.  

  5. eat, sleep, cry, eat, sleep, cry, eat, sleep, cry, eat, sleep, cry.

  6. 4 to 5 hours at a time

  7. at 3 months it was just get through the day with as little crying as possible, get out for a long walk on the stroller at some point.  feed and wash when hungry and

    i think i started a schedule at around 5 or 6 months old.

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