
What is/was your favorite childhood storybook?

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Mine was "Green Eggs And Ham", by Dr. Seuss




  1. When I was about five I LOVED the Junie B. Jones series by Barbara Park.  Even my mom liked it!  It was totally funny and kids can relate to it because Junie B., was five, in kindergarten, and got in a lot of trouble.

    Now, (I'm in my pre-teens) my favorite book is, The Land of Elyon series by Patrick Carmen.  The main character, Alexa Daley, 12, is trying to find out what's behind the wall the she lived behind for all her life... hey, if you want to find out what's behind the wall, read the books yourself!

  2. "The Phantom Tollbooth" by Norton Juster.

  3. Charolette's WEB!!

    i cannot wait to see the movie.

    my teacher read it to the class a chapter each day after lunch.

    it was the most extraordinary thing any teacher or parent or sibling could do for a kid!

  4. to read aloud, it would have to be any Dr. Seuss book

    but from my childhood, the Chronicles of Narnia was the cream of the crop for me.

  5. Mine was "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown.

  6. I loved fairey tales. I had a giant book full of every fairy tale ever written. I also liked Dr. Suess

  7. The Redwall series by Brian Jacques. d**n good.

  8. I was all about Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham was my personal fave. But my son's fave was "One Fish Two Fish" I swear I think I still know most of it by heart after reading it to him 2-3 times a night!! He's almost 13 now.

  9. Where the Wild Things Are

  10. One Fish Two Fish  also by Dr, Suess

  11. hansel and gretel..

  12. I loved "The Little Bug that went KAAAA-CHOO!", a Dr. Seuss book. I would ask my parents to read it out so much, I learnt it by heart before I could read.

  13. I can't remember the name of it, but it's about a teacher to goes to her classroom everyday and her students treat her poorly and she tells them someday they'll regret it. Then one day the teacher doesn't show up, a witch/ugly looking teacher shows up and is very strict with the students and they all wish their old teacher was back. At the end of the book, the witch goes home, takes off her costume and reveals that she's in fact the old teacher. (She had dressed up to teach her students a lesson). Anyway, that a favorite of mine.

    Since my son was born, (now almost 3) my favorite book to read to him is "Happy Birthday Moon", it's the cutest story ever... about a bear who goes to talk to the moon up in the mountains and thinks the moon is talking back because he hears his own echo and thinks it's the moon, hehe. I love that book to pieces. =)

  14. There are so many to chose from.  I like "The Foot Book" by Dr. Suess.  I also like any Eric Carle books.  

    Green Eggs and Ham is a good book too.

    My daughter's favorite was "Love you Forever" by Robert Munsch

    My youngest daughter's favorite was "Skating on Thin Ice"  I don't know who by though.

  15. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka

    It is told from the point of view of the wolf and is hilarious!

  16. 3 little pigs and a big big bad wolf. hehe...

  17. Velvetine Rabbit

  18. cat in the hat by dr. seuss

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