
What is waste management?

by Guest59476  |  earlier

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What is waste management?




  1. Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials, usually ones produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local aesthetics or amenity. A subfocus in recent decades has been to reduce waste materials' effect on the natural world and the environment and to recover resources from them.

  2. Waste managment term is a broad term can apply on managment of many different kind of wastes it may be liquid or may be solid. managment often employ following techniques

    1. Reduction

    2. Reuse

    3. Recycle

    its also called 3Rs appraoch. Reduction producing less waste it may be through treatment, using less resources, incineration etc.

    Reuse mean using the things for other purposes without changing its form.

    Recycle means total remakeover. mean paper recycling etc.

    there are other appraoches too like lanfilling, composting, using waste for energy etc.

  3. Waste management is about handling waste with proper procedures to make sure there's no environmental problems.

    Waste management can include all sort of things from transportation of waste, proper gears and tools for manpowers handling waste, composted biomass free from hazardous waste, incinerator emission complies, wastewater discharge meets required standards, leachate from landfill not leaking into underground, generated methane are fully utilized , etc.

  4. Waste management is the proper handling of waste matls.(solid waste or liquid.waste.) from source to disposal site.

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