
What is watchman about i have absolutley no idea?

by  |  earlier

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saw a trailer and im clueless





  2. Watchmen is based on the most celebrated graphic novels around, also entitled Watchmen. It is set in an alternate universe, which is very similar to our own back in the 80's, except there are superheroes, only they call themselves 'masked adventurers' because they do not really have any superpowers. The story is set after a time when the government outlawed these vigilantes and so all of the superheroes (except one) are currently living out normal lives. The only vigilante left, a man by the name of Rorschach, is investigating the murder of a man who used to be a masked adventurer, and believes that there is a plot about to kill and discredit all of the superheroes. He sets out to warn all of the retired superheroes and they end up uncovering an even more terrifying conspiracy.

    It really is a great story because the superheroes in this are very real and identifiable. Only one of the characters actually has any superpowers. The rest are humans trying to cope with the global tension and the arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union and the fact that they find their lives boring and pointless now that they have retired. It is not a cliche hero story, and I highly recommend it as my description really doesn't do it any justice.

  3. It is a program sponsored by the Homeland Security folks that trains semi truck drivers to observe unusual activity around ports, businesses that may be involved in some sort of hazardous materials handling , etc. , and report any suspicious activity to the police.

  4. cargo-

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