
What is water polo? Is it dangerous?I want to join next year because i want to swim..?

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  2. get a horse that can swim

  3. water polo is kinda like soccer but in water. objective of the game is to try to put the ball in the other teams net. the only thing that is dangerous about waterpolo i would say is the water. im pretty sure you swim in 12ft of water. and theres a possibly of drowning. other than that its a great sport

  4. the problem with water polo is, it's hard to find horses that can swim :)

  5. Water polo is HARD--it's a really good workout.  You have to be a good swimmer because if you touch the bottom of the pool (or whatever body of water you're in), you get thrown out of the game.  Or at least that's how we played at camp.  And the refs can totally tell when you touch bottom--it's obvious.  

    It seems like there's some kind of game aspect to it.  I mainly just concentrated on treading water and getting out of the way of people lunging at me.  It's sorta like soccer, but in the water (but of course you throw the ball around instead of kicking it.  Unless you're *really* good at water polo!)

    Give it a try, but man, you gotta be in shape to play.  I mean GOOD shape.  Start working out now!

  6. Its like soccer except you are in a pool and you use your hands.

  7. dude, you got goalposts and goalies for each team,, its exactly like soccer but u use you hands and its really fun=)

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