
What is water polo?

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anyone have any idea what that is? i moved from a small school and we didnt have it, to a HUGE school. i lived in that town my whole life, lol so i dont know what it is. my friend said i should cross train and do that, [im a runner], would this be a good sport to cross train with?




  1. Water polo is a sport based in the water that is similar to a basketball and soccer hybrid.  There are goals like soccer, but the throwing and shooting and pace is closer to basketball.  You aren't allowed to use the bottom of the pool and can only touch the ball with one hand at a time (can't catch with two hands).  There are 6 field players and a goalie for each team.  There are a lot of other rules that are commonly broken because the referees can't see what's going on underwater most of the time.  So, it is a high contact and sometimes a violent sport.  

    Water polo probably isn't the best cross training sport to use with track.  It uses completely different muscles and skills, which may be what you want, but it will be difficult if your main skill is running.

  2. I don't think cross training running with waterpolo will improve your running much. If you want to exercise your entire body, build stamina and have a low risk on getting injured, swimming could be helpful. You'll reach a better overall condition. And it might get you on track to do triathlons!

    As for the violence in waterpolo, it is a tough sport and yes, lots of fouls go unnoticed or are accepted (especially at the international level). But at the lower levels any bruises are mainly due to clumsiness. It is not as if people play waterpolo with the intention to strike whenever the referee is not watching.

  3. i think it would be difficult for you to learn it.. as the person above me said.. you could try if you want to.. but its not gonna be easy.. unless your a supper good swimmer.. good luck..

    P.S.changing schools is a pain..

  4. water polo is a really violent sport.  as in if the refs dont see it its legal.  but it works your legs from all the treading so it might work.  but you need to be a really strong swimmer also.  water polo is really fun and you should do it just for fun!

  5. Water polo is one of the most physically demanding sports that not too many people are familiar with.  People have described water polo as a combination of soccer, swimming, handball, and wrestling.  The sport is played with two teams and each of these teams consist of 6 players and 1 goalie.  Each team lines up on either side of a 25-30 meter polo, depending on where you play, with there heads against the wall or lane rope.  There are two referees standing out side the pool and to begin the game, they  blow their whistles and drop a ball in the center of the pool and one person from each team sprints to get the ball.  That is how the game is started.  

    Some basic skills that people who want to play water polo need to be familar with or learn the fundamental skills of the game: swimming, ball handling, treading water, and good reflexes.  Because the game is played under the rule that you cannot use the bottom of the pool to your advantage, you must be able to swim the length of the pool countless times during the game and your swimming stamina is your most valuble asset.  While you aren't swimming, you are tredding.  Wether you are playing offense or defense you will be tredding.  This is an area of gameplay that needs to be focused on.  Your refelxes go hand in hand with your ball handling skills.  You must be able to catch, pass, shoot, and hold the ball while you are tredding or swimming.  

    The goal of the game is obviously to score more than the other team.  You have 4 quarters of 7 minutes in Varsity high school play.  There is one minute less as you go down to JV and Frosh.  Each team has a shot clock of 35 seconds and if no shot is taken before time runs out, it is a turnover.  The refs on the side of the pool can call two types of fouls: minor and major.  A minor foul is a foul that only stops the clock and allows a free pass.  A major foul causes the player who commited the foul to be ejected for 20 seconds or until a goal or turnover.  At any time, the refs can call a turnover and the player that commits the turnover must immediatly drop the ball or they will be ejected.  Every time a goal is scored, both teams meet at the middle of the pool and restart the game there.  Substitutions can be made at any time during the game but are usually made after a goal.  

    That is really a quick overview of the game play.

    Check for a great description of the game.
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