
What is weather like in June/July Mexico D.F and San Luis?

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I am trying to plan a trip to mexico in June/July. Does anyone know if it rains all day,etc? How about in San Luis Potosi. Do you think I should go in Sept instead? Any personal experiance will help. Thanks.




  1. I have a home in San Luis Potosi and in June and July it is beautiful. In June is when the country is most beautiful. The trees are all full of fruits and the flowers are bloomed beautifully. In september it is not as hot, but you are reaching rain months then. I am actually headed home in two days to visit for a while, this is my favorite time of year. I am not for sure about D.F because I have not ever visited there. If you do happen to visit San Luis then please visit the Huastecan Region, it is amazing!!!

    (It is hot there, but the deeper you get into the Huastecan Region the further in the mountains you get where the wind is always blowing a cool breeze) Dont let the heat keep you away from such an amazing place!

  2. it's going to be sunny, this year is expected a severe drought.

    the weather is going to be hot !..

    but if you dare to go to the eastern edge of the state of san luis potosi, be aware [the region called "la huasteca"] is really really hot and warn, the temperature may reach 50 celcius degrees, during noon...

    take care, good luck.

  3. Mexico city is springlike because of the elevation. very little rain in D.F.(3000 meters) between Cueravaca and D.F and cold)

    San Luis Pototsi was quite cold as well but that was in April.

    I had an altimeter device on two road trips but am not sure of the elevation in San Luis Potosi but t*t is up in the Plataea.

    May temps in D.F  75 for a high and can drop to 50.

    San Luis Potosi the Capital is close to the same as it is 1000 ft lower that D.F.


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