
What is weather like in Majorca mid end of october?

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What is weather like in Majorca mid end of october?




  1. It's like, the atmospheric conditions, man.

  2. Quite good usually up to the lower 80's

  3. changeable. you're going to have to rely on a bit of luck. when the sun is out it will be warm and you'll be able to sunbathe. Last October in this part of the world was warm for 40% of the fortnight I was there, and rainy (sometimes very heavy) for the other 60% of the time.

    you just can't predict it. You may be lucky. Whichever way though, it will still be more pleasant than Blighty!

  4. Hi i go to Majorca every yr usually end off Sep this year we are going on the 1st off october and been told its still hot then,but at the end off oct the weather drops slightly but still warm.What part u going to ? Im off to cala millor.

  5. The average is apparently 23 to 25 degrees.  Basically, it's just your luck - went away last October and when sun is out it is hot.  Good luck.

  6. Not so good at all. I once went in oct. never again.

  7. I am not certain but expect it to be good .you could try,

  8. For many visitors, the best time to visit the island will be the shoulder seasons: May-June and September-October. Not only does travel during these periods avoid the mayhem of the midsummer crowds, but the heat does not forbid daytime sporting exertions, the nights become less stifling (especially for those without air-conditioning) and the landscape looks less parched.

    Majorca weather patterns mean that autumn enjoys similar temperatures to spring. There are two main differences, however. The sea will be warmer, which can make this a more enjoyable time to come for a beach holiday. But on the down side, this is also the stormy season - October is Majorca's wettest month by some distance - and visitors risk having to spend time indoors.

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