
What is weired you have seen?

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What you have seen in your life?

What you have seen in your life? Like I have seen.... children playing in near crying in mom's arms...frogs jumping around in a rain......lizards on the walls....cows on the road.....people selling fish on the road drinking water from a puddle......couple kissing in a park........butterflies on a flowers........and so on.....

Its simple i know, but still hard to find....

Again what you have seen just like i did????




  1. A huge herd of sheep blocking a road in the Baltics.

    A public market selling almost everything in Estonia.

    Entire mountainsides terraced for farming in Romania.

    Kids with no gameboys, no xboxes, no tennis shoes, not much of anything, having a ball playing baseball with a big stick and a crushed milk carton in the Dominican Republic. Even if it hit you, the little box was too light to hurt and they could smack it as hard as they wanted.

    Mothers nursing their babies on a train in several European countries and nobody even noticing.

    A girl with a pierced nostril in the UK trying to blow her nose while everyone around her tried not to notice or show their amusement at her predicament.

    A horrific traffic accident.

    The poodle I had as a kid hiding after he got a haircut, ashamed of the poofy look of his ears, top of his head and tail. He'd run outside as soon as he could and roll in mud for some reason.

    My cat trying to look like a jungle cat as she pounced on my foot.

    A few things I can't explain, from phantom sounds to even odder things I've seen.

    A father losing his temper at Disneyworld and kicking an automatic door. Sadly, his 5-year-old mimicked him a few seconds later.

    People in what are supposedly some of the 'unfriendliest' cities on Earth helping a stranger.

    Parents sending their toddlers to beg for candy or money as I waited for a train in Romania. And the huge gold-gilt roof of their leader's house.

    Poor people in many countries who seemed happier than most of the people I know, despite not having any tv at all, let alone a big-screen HDTV or even a front door on their house.

    Thousands of birds flying in perfectly synchronized formation.

    A small bird bravely trying to fly into a stiff wind, then finally landing so he could walk instead.

  2. I saw a drunk guy wearing no shirt and bibbed overalls.  His bibs were riding lower and lower.  He could feel it and kept trying to pull them up.  Only problem was that he was so drunk that he kept missing the trousers and grabbing the waistband of his boxers.  After awhile, he had pulled them up to his armpits.  Believe me, that was weird!  (But hilarious!)

  3. 28 sstates

    virginia beach

    saquaw valley


    wisconsin dells

    niagra falls

    jekyll island




    myrtle beach

    quebec city

    ft ord, calif

    ft mccllellan, AL

    turtles crossing the road


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