
What is welfare capitalism?

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Isn't it good because it tries to combine both capitalism or socialism




  1. Yes !

    Welfare economy is better than all. But it's not exactly like you wrote. It's a part of capitalism, but in this case, govt provide the ultimate necessary.

    - On socialism issue, you can't own anything.. no ground, no firm..

    - neo-capitalism is also bad, cause you could die without healthcare, you can become homeless suddenly... even for economy, it's useless because less people are operational.

    Welfare capitalism is the one which provide health, education, public transport or minimum wages.

  2. The term ''WELFARE CAPITALISM'' refers to a benevolent employer setting up programs and organizations (e.g. sports team, recreational facilities, musical groups, insurance program. profit sharing plan) for his workers. The main reason is to try and keep them happy and loyal  to the company so that they won't join unions. In the wake of reform sentiments during the Progressive Era,  many employers realize that they had to make an effort to make things better for their workers, and welfare capitalism became pretty widespread among companies in the 1910s and 1920s.

    Yes it is good.

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