
What is whe best workout for a boxer?

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  1. other than the workout you will do while you train in a boxing gym the best general fitness workout a boxer can do can be found on

    they also have excellent advice on nutrition.

  2. The best workout is a well balanced one. You need to build up all components for a good boxer.

    1. Stamina:

    Jogging, ropeskipping and swimming will improve your stamina. And right, high altitude for training will change the consisrtency of your blood (mor oxigen carrying red blood cells), but this effect is hard to hold if you don't live in a high region. But it is perfectly suitable for prefight preparation.

    2. Technique:

    Power is nothing without control. You need a proper technique to channel all your power in your punches. To learn the right technique, go to a boxing club. There's nothing better than a coach in a club and this has also the advantage that he kicks your *** (in a civilized way) if you start getting lazy. Besides this you should practice what you've leaned by hitting the bag.

    3. Power:

    You also need to build up strength, so lift some weights, do shadowboxing with weights, train your whole body, because you can use nearly every muscle from head to toe for boxing (I remember that after the first weeks of training some muscles hurted that I didn't even know they exist). When training your abs, don't forget to train your back as well.

    4. Sparring

    The end assembly of all your training. Here you have to put everything together: Technique, stamina, power. Here you can directly see the effects of your training. And besides, it is just fun.

    5. Stretching and warm-down:

    Don't forget to stretch and do some light ropeskipping or anything similar at the end to ready your body for the next training. This prevents injury and hurting limbs after the training. Stretching also will improve your mobility.

    You see, there's no recipe to create "the" perfect workout. There never will be one because you also have to change your exercises from time to time (change about every 3 to 6 months) because your body gets used to the exercises and they will lose effectivity. You can reuse them after a break of some months.

    I hope this answered your question. Good luck.

  3. jogging in elevated altitudes will build stamina!and thats what you need if you dont want 2 gas out after a few rounds!

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