
What is wheat Flour?

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Is wheat flour the same as plain flour? Is there anyway i can subsitute wheat flour to plain flour?




  1. Legally speaking, "wheat flour" and "white flour" are exactly the same thing. "Wheat flour" is not the same as "whole wheat flour". Companies will put the term "wheat flour" on the label of breads and other baked goods because it fools people into thinking that it is different and superior, but it is not.

    "Wheat flour" is only different from "rice flour" or "bean flour".

  2. wheat flour is - like it's name says - made out of wheat. YOu can easily substitute it for plain flour, it's about the same thing

  3. You get Wheat flour when the whole wheat is ground into flour. It contains the good for health fiber too.

    Plain flour or maida as it is called in Indian languages, is made from the inner part of wheat after removing the outer fiber portion. So it is not considered as healthy as whole wheat flour. It is a more refined product. So Maida is whiter in color than the whole wheat flour.

    In most dishes you can substitute wheat flour, such as pancakes. But in cakes you will need to use plain flour only.

  4. Wheat flour is not the same as all purpose flour....

    Wheat flour is used in foods such as cookies if you want them to be CHEWY. This is because water and Wheat flour produce gluten.

  5. We call it wholemeal in England - brown flour with the whole grain ground in to it. Plain flour can be used instead it will just deliver a different dish - but still taste good - not so healthy though.

  6. Wheat flour is different from plain flour. Whole wheat flour is a powdery substance derived by grinding or mashing the wheat's whole grain. It is used in baking but typically added to other "white" flours to give nutrition, texture, fiber, and body to the finished product. Usually, whole wheat flour is not the main ingredients of baked goods, as it adds a certain "heaviness" which prevents them from rising as well as white flours. This adds to the cost per volume of the baked item as it requires more flour to obtain the same volume, due to the fewer and smaller air pockets trapped in the raised goods.

  7. You can substitute with equal amounts, but wheat flour is of a different consistency and will effect the recipe you are using. Keep in mind all-purpose flour is not recommended for bread.

    Almost forgot to mention... they are not the same. White Flours use only one part of the wheat grain -- the endosperm. Whole wheat (wholemeal) Flour includes the bran; whole grain Flour uses all the wheat grain, -- the endosperm, the bran, and the germ.

  8. wheat flour is more healthy than regular flour, and since it is healthier it is good in baked things, and when you mix wheat flour and water together it makes "gluten" which is destroyed when you bake it.

  9. i don,t know
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