
What is widest known language in the world?

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What is widest known language in the world?




  1. hi,

    - English

    - French

    - Spanish

    - Chinese

  2. It would almost certainly be English.Cause its spoken in countries in the western world as well as in India which is second in terms of population only to china.

  3. Do you mean population wise or geography wise? cause I think it makes a big difference... Your pick of English, Spanish or mandarin chinese

  4. I too believe it should be English ...followed by Chinese....

  5. Mandarin Chinese

  6. english?

  7. If you include native speakers and those who have it as a secondary language the top three are roughly:

    Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)

    English (480 million)

    Spanish (320 million)

    If you go by number of countries where the language is  used (having an official status or is an influential minority language in trade, tourism, and the preferred foreign language of the young):

    English (115)

    French (35)

    Arabic (24)

  8. widest known, or most spoken?

    i would say the widest known is probably english.

    the most spoken language in the world is chinese, with 1.176 billion speakers (approx)

  9. srpski (SERBIAN)

  10. I believe it would have to be, English


  11. English is the widest known language in the world. It is spoken in more countries in the world than any other language including Spanish. This is probably due to the fact that English is the preferred language in business.

    The most spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese.

    : )

  12. Manderin, chinese

  13. the widest known language in the world right geographically is actually mandarin the chinese language even though russia cowers over china russian is not the widest but chinese is .man if you anywhere you are bound to find a chinese person except for afghanistan anyway even if you dont see one you will find somewhere around the country.

  14. 1.Mandarin Chinese



  15. Answer is Mandarin - Chinese

    The order of the most widely spoken languages (in population that knows how to speak it) are :

    1) Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)

    2) English (480 million)

    3) Spanish (320 million)

    4) Russian (285 million)

    5) French (265 million)

    6) Hindi/Urdu (250 million)

    7) Arabic (221 million)

    8) Portuguese (188 million)

    9) Bengali (185 million)

    10) Japanese (133 million)

    11) German (109 million)

    So no, the answer is not English - Its Mandarin :D

  16. 1. English

    2. Spanish

    3. Mandarin Chinese

    4. French

  17. most universally used/ accepted (to conduct business and trade, the sciences) = English

    spoken by the most people (natives) over a  small geographical area= Mandarin (Chinese dialect; north & sw China, and Taiwan)

    spoken by the most people (natives) over a wide geographical area (from Spain to L. America to Equatorial Guinea in Africa to the Phillipines) = Spanish

  18. the widest known language in the world would have to be English. It is an all over international language. Every country in the world has English somewhere in their area. For example; in the airport, in school as a subject, tour directions...etc......Yes it's a pretty famous language however, it is a Germanic language.........Hope that helped!!

  19. Ingles.

    Passed three years of Spanish with an 'A'.

    English has to come before Mandarin and Spanish!

  20. Whilst Chinese has the largest number of speakers, English and Spanish are most widely spread arund the world...

  21. Wow,

    yeah it is so not English. The Widest known language in the world is Mandarin Chinese. There are approximately 870 million Mandarin speakers and just over 53% of the population of China or 690 million people are able to speak Mandarin. That's saying something.

    Hope that helped.


  22. English

  23. mandarin

  24. spanish and english.

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