
What is willo the wisp and were and how can I find it?

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you really think i would ask about a 70s Children show in the paranormal Section ? this Question is about a Ghost for goodness sack




  1. A will-o-wisp refers to a "ghost" light sometimes seen at twilight.  There is a scientific explanation for it.  I recomend the wikipedia article cited below.

    Brown Mountain, North Carolina, USA has a long history of "ghost" lights.  I listed an article for it.

    Personally, I think they are a natural rather than supernatural phenomenon much like St. Elmo's Fire. Also cited below.

  2. it is the best thing you could ever watch while tripping your **** off on acid...or you can watch it with out chemical substances but be under 12 to enjoy it truly

    youtube is your bet

  3. Well.  for all you people out there who think it is a cartoon, you are retarded.  

    It is a small flame or light that seems to come from no where.  There are some scientifical renderings of it that state that they are just flames that are burning gasses that come out of swamp muck such as methane.  but that is only if you are a very sceptical sceptic and are trying to think of a way to break someones spirits.  It is actually the will or spirit of either a weak ghost that can only manifest itself as a small flame, or a strong spirit that is capable of manifesting as anything.  Since there is very little scientific studies on the paranormal (and I mean really scientific studies of the spirit realm and not otherwise, because it is almost impossible to study a ghost or spirit yet.)

    that is basically it for the scientifi paranormal

    The magical paranormal reasoning it that it is a fire elemental or a fairy or faerie.

    Or here is the Irish version (now some people will understand why you stated your heritage, because most stories of the Will-o-the-wisp originated in Ireland, though you may live in Ireland but not be Irish.  But now I am confusing my self.)

    Jack-a drunk- is a man who makes a deal with the Devil, offering up his soul in exchange for payment of his pub tab. When the Devil comes to collect his due, Jack tricks him by making him climb a tree and then carving a cross underneath, preventing him from climbing down. In exchange for removing the cross, the Devil forgives Jack's debt. However, because no one as bad as Jack would ever be allowed into Heaven, Jack is forced upon his death to travel to h**l and ask for a place there. The Devil denies him entrance in revenge, but, as a boon, grants Jack an ember from the fires of h**l to light his way through the twilight world to which lost souls are forever condemned. Jack places it in a carved turnip to serve as a lantern.

  4. Alway though it was a ghost.

  5. apart from anything else it was a cartoon series narrated by the fantastic Kenneth Williams

    EDIT...oh come on don't be so happy...I've always liked Irish people (as you seemed to think it's important to state your nationality, which is a bit odd) and we are correct it is a cartoon series...I think you need to chill out a bit.  x*x

    EDIT again...even wikipedia says its a cartoon...but at least I tried to find out

  6. look up"earth lights". It wont give you a definitive answer, but it might point you in the right direction. Its not about ghosts, sadly.

  7. its a kids show from the 70's type it into Youtube

  8. Marsh gas,that is alight.

  9. I normally hate to link to Wikipedia but I didn't know myself, so I looked it up. Apparently it is the name for "bog lights", strange flickering lights found over bogs and swamps. The link tells the tale of Stingy Jack, an Irish folk tale, and hopefully this answers your question.

  10. I'm sorry, but that particular mythological entity hasn't caught hold here in the States so I can't help you there.

    I did see something about Fair Maids of Ireland in reference to W'o'W.  Check it out.

  11. I think it's like a mini whirl wind that's weird cos the light shatters differently in it which makes it look all sparkily and ghostly.

    P.S he wasn't just saying he was Irish he means where can he find one in Ireland. DUH!!!!

  12. it is a very small wirl wind.. about a meter tall.. not powerfull.

  13. Ahh, the Moog!  Tony Robinson ... fond memories!

    I'm giving you a star even though I know it's not the TV series you're talking about!

  14. As you probably have guessed most of us reside in the U.S and do not know about very many myths and legends in other countries.


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