
What is wind mill?

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What is wind mill?




  1. a thing at a mini golf course

  2. A wind operated device for converting wind into useable energy.

    This can be mechanical for pumping water or grinding wheat, or used to drive a generator to produce electricity.

    In the 1800's there were thousands of them for grinding wheat. Because of the dust, and oil lighting, many exploded or burnt down!

  3. Ask 'Don Quixote', he knows better.

  4. Used in old days to grind wheat.  The wings are turned by the wind (energy), which sets off a mechanical reaction to do a variety of different things (wheat griding was most common).

  5. A windmill in the traditional sense is a large structure with a twirling wind-generated mechanism which turns enormous stones in order to grind grain to a fine flour.

    EDIT People are confusing "wind farms" with windmills here!!.

    EDIT there are still traditional windmills in operation now although they're rarities.

  6. A wind mill is a device which is used to collect the wind energy and therefore use it in different spheres of necessities


  8. A machine that can harness the power of the wind and convert it into electricity. The wind spins the blades and the spinning generates power inside.

  9. Electric Windmill

    Classic Windmill

  10. It's a mill powered by the wind.  The wind turns a crank which transfers the power to a drive shaft of some sort.  This can be used to cut wood, grind grain, etc.

  11. the thing on a mini golf course.

  12. its a thing that when the wind blows it it spins and the friction formulates electricityfor a house or factory

  13. A wind mill is a device that is used to pump water out of the ground, they are used in places where there is no power except wind.  Now days wind mills are used to generate electricity.

  14. mother nature
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