
What is wisdom? and how you achieve it?

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What is wisdom? and how you achieve it?




  1. wisdom is knowlidge and is given to us by Our Creator for us to use in our daily life and is not achieve rather expand it.

  2. Wisdom is not about being smart not at all but to take responsibilty for your actions and knowing what is the right path to take you achive it everyday as days pass you learn more about yourself and about your choices

  3. Wisdom is becoming and identifying with the known.  Knowledge is knowing about something wisdom is being it.  It doesn't have to be achieved.  You know how to be forgiving, but its another thing to be a forgiving person.

  4. by looking into the eyes of the great chuck norris

  5. Wisdom is being wise about your thoughts and choices.  Having knowledge is one thing but you have to know how to use it.

    And it only comes from God.

  6. I can't exactly define what wisdom is, but i'm guessing if you were looking for definitions you would just go to a dictionary. in my own opinion i think to be wise there must be some sort of knowledge of truth. It was said that Socrates is one of the wisest of all men, and he said he knew nothing. It's not all about knowing a lot, it's something more than that. I don't know how you can achieve it but...the first step is for you to determine what wisdom means for you, then once you have identified it you can take steps toward that direction. But I think wisdom is a fluid state, moving, it is not stagnant...that's what I see wisdom as. I don't think a wise man would stop contemplating wisdom because he believes he has already achieved other words its a never ending process

  7. wisdom is the realization that what you know is an infinitesimal amount compared to what you do not know. you achieve wisdom by being attentive to other peoples' mistakes and experiences as well as your own.  

  8. Wisdom = my beautiful boyfriend who has taught me more about God, self respect, the importance of modesty and much more. He is my life.

  9. Ok u answered my question, but because we are frm same place, i thot we can be frndz pleeeez email me your yahoo ID

  10. I can't remember where I read this, in some Christian leadership book, but I love this way of looking at wisdom.

    KNOWLEDGE is the aquisition of facts.

    UNDERSTANDING is the interpretation of facts.

    WISDOM is the application of facts.

    To me, these three thing tie into each other so well that you kind of need them all to complete the definition.

    So to put this into an answer for you question, wisdom is when you apply your knowledge to your life. To achieve wisdom, you must first gain and then interpret the knowledge before you can apply it. Where you gain it from, that can vary greatly. Maybe you gain it from God, reading, school, the people around you, experiences, wherever you gain knowledge and then use it practically, you have gained wisdom.

    I hope that this has helped you.

  11. Wisdom is simply knowledge and enlightenment gained through life experience.

  12. "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."


    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. "


  13. Wisdom is the appropriate application of knowledge. This is something that is acquired with time, and cannot be taught in school.  

  14. You have to enroll in the School of Hard Knocks.  

  15. wisdom is recognizing wisdom when we see it…

    wisdom is recognizing foolishness when we see it…

    wisdom is grace in action…

  16. Wisdom is always knowing the right decision to make and how to help others with their problems.  You achieve it from life experiences.

  17. I think one of the wonderful things about wisdom is that there are different types... and one in which we gain by just living.

    I think each year we live, we grow a little bit wiser than before.  My mother  use to always say, we are all stupid at the age we are.  Meaning, when we get a year older we are not wise for this age, but will gain more wisdom before our next birthday.  

    Also, I love that I have met older individuals ( older than myself... I am 31 )  and with my more mature, serious intellect, I question and crave to absorb the wisdom that they have and who are willing to share with me. I feel this is one of the reasons people say that I am wise beyond my years.  

    So, to sum this up ...  I think wisdom is a given. We gain it by living, and growing and experiencing life.  And we can also achieve wisdom by craving it and seeking to find it in other people, or other sources available to us.  

    Thanks for reading!

  18.    Wisdom is no great's basically living life simply with good judgment. Wisdom and Knowledge are two different things.

  19. Wisdom is wise dominion.  Ultimately, as Plotinus, al-Ghazali, and others have noted, it is all about letting God be in control, working with God's wise dominion.

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, is an example of wisdom literature.

  20. wisdom is simply the ability to discern between true and false.

    wisdom is also the ability to know when to act and when not to act.

    it comes primarily through learning, either from study, life experience and/or from others who are wise.

  21. wisdom - i like the definition "skill at living life"

    simplistic but helpful

  22. Wise people know how little they truly comprehend of the mystery of life. I guess destroying your ego would be a good way to start.

  23. A wise outlook, plan, or course of action.

    There is no wisdom without worship.

    P.1114 - §5 Belief has attained the level of faith when it motivates life and shapes the mode of living. The acceptance of a teaching as true is not faith; that is mere belief. Neither is certainty nor conviction faith. A state of mind attains to faith levels only when it actually dominates the mode of living. Faith is a living attribute of genuine personal religious experience. One believes truth, admires beauty, and reverences goodness, but does not (worship) them; such an attitude of saving faith is centered on God alone, who is all of these personified and infinitely more.

    But then man can worship many things and become wise.

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