
What is with Australia becoming so nationalistic all of a sudden?

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I was rather proud of the fact that we were a low-key nation, with a distrust of Authority and the Establishment- we used to know how to have a good laugh at ourselves; Not any more! The only thing I see ourselves as these days is a re-incarnation of America...




  1. On a recent forbes poll Australia ranked 3rd for the worlds most patriotic countries.

    I am proud to be Australian and you should be too!

  2. I KNOW australia is becoming so americanised, i recently travelled to england and heard everyone using these words i totally forgot about seeing as no one uses them anymore because its suddenly cool to act american, we have forgotten our roots.

    why the f*ck are you giving me thumbs down you idiots its true.

  3. Australia is going downhill in many, many more ways than your question relates to:

    Immigration overload of asians and indians

    Becoming more and more like America

    John Howard becoming George Bush's pet doggy

  4. noo i dont think its like might influence them but most are very proud of who they are and being aussie and would never change completely! gf is australian and when i met her she was very umm..."australian-ish" and ive influenced her a lil bit but she'd never completely turn like an american ..she's too proud of who she is :P...and i like her the way she is :D.

  5. I don't believe that to be the case at all.

  6. You'd be much happier and less negative people if you just discussed your problems by discussing yourselves, instead of insulting another nation by what you don't want to be.  Don't expect anything positive to come out of hating others.  Look at the Middle East.  You're beginning to sound like radical Muslims insulting Jews when you talk about Americans.

  7. I don't know where you are, but out here in the country we're still the fair dinkum, ridgy-didge Aussies we've always been.

    You've got to expect people to get excited and loud during the Olympics they always do.

    I'm sure we'll all go back to being quietly patriotic as soon as the Olympics are over.

    It appears to me there are some drongos on TV who try NOT to sound Australian but they're in the minority.

    For which we're all eternally grateful.

    We have enough Americans and American shows on TV without growing our own would-be Yanks.

  8. I've only lived here for a year, but I can't say I find that.

    I hope you are wrong, one of things I love about your fine country is all the things you say.....

    Sure it's not just Olympic fever ?

  9. I agree 100%. But its whats on TV. You dont see much of anything else anywhere so  it has become part of our lives. Its BS.

  10. I think deep down the Aussie spirit will never change, sure other countries may influence us sometimes, but the Aussie culture has a friendlyness to it's that isn't found anywhere else in the world. :]

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