
What is with all of the junk on the Martial Arts board?

by  |  earlier

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What happened to all of the legitimate questions on the Martial Arts board? All I am seeing lately is people hating on each other and talking bad about some MMA fighters. Is this where Martial Arts is headed? I hope not.

People reading this; please keep your comments and questions to things that are actually revelant to Martial Arts.

It is pointless and, IMO stupid to argue with someone in reguards to something that you watched on TV. Instead of arguing about who did this and who did that and who will beat up who, go actually learn something. I see people saying how this fighter is better than that fighter, and how someone's attack or defense is weak or superior to all but God. Once you go learn something you will find that you do not need other people to bash your head against in order to feel fulfilled in your own opinion.

It is perfectly normal (and healthy) do disagree with someone, but do so without putting down the person's personality.





  1. add a mma section plus

    add a who would win section (popeye with spinach vs.

    roger rabbit (on steriods).........for now........

  2. nothing.  I like you tire of the bullshit questions and who would win mighty mouse or chuck norris but people continue to ask em.  Once in a while a good question comes along and thats when you see who the real martial artist on here are since most of the trolls dont bother with intelligent questions.  I try to answer the real questions sincerly and sometimes answer the stupid questions riddled with sarcasm..ohh speech

  3. MMA in general is killing true MA. MMA that we see on TV has very little to do with true MA. Most of those guys (note I said most) don't even perform proper kicks. I see no waist power in the kicks and everyone's foot just flops around.

    MMA has great fights do not get me wrong but they are more of who is the biggest and strongest. Mostly looks like street fighting. That is why someone like Kimbo can come in the ring and do OK. And with some time will do better once he learns the 5 or 6 basic techniques needed in MMA.

  4. I don't think it will stop until Yahoo puts a section in for the idiots.

  5. Best way to deal with all the junk posting is to ignore it. If those posting don't get enough response some of them will stop posting.

    Bottom line is there will always be those that will abuse the posting system.

    Report those that misuse the forum for things that are irrelevant, hateful, vulger, or just Spam that does not belong here.

  6. It's the perfect storm -

    1) Martial Arts haven't been this popular since the 70's.  There are a lot of new and uninformed people getting interested, and asking questions.

    2) There are a lot of people who have a long standing interest in martial arts, and varying opinions and levels of knowledge.

    3) Mix those together with confusing commentators (the CBS announcer who said Kimbo Slice is the Tiger Woods of MMA) and you get angry, uninformed, opinionated, heated discussions.

    I'm guilty of taking an argumentative standpoint myself.  It's frustrating to read people's strong opinions which have no foundation in knowledge or experience.  

    How do we stop the cycle?  It will burn itself out eventually.  MMA isn't going anywhere soon, so get used to that.  But you're right.  Keeping it relevant to martial arts would be good for us all.

  7. I really do wish that there was a place for the MMA questions to go. I do not see that happening soon. In the mean time I believe we can put up with it. I try to answer  legitimate martial arts questions as best as I can. I don't mind a silly or lighthearted question from time to time. You are right about a lot of people who answer on here with their cups overflowing. It is amazing how this one guy declares himself a Grand master in 2.5 years. and another is a high ranking black belt in several styles and is in his 20's LOL. Many legends in their own minds.  I don't think it helps much to rant on about them though. I just think that those of us who know better must be the salt of this site and answer those questions that deserve a sound and reasoned answer. Try to read through the static and find those who are seeking an informed answer. Pax my brothers.

  8. I think that Y! answers should make an MMA section under sports. I also think that there should be nothing about WWE in either of them because IT IS FAKE! stop asking who the next WWE champion will be it is not decided by skill.

  9. Martial Arts has always been a second cousin to boxing name me one MA PERSON that the public will know that is not onTV OR DEAD  there are no bad *** in MMA sorry just a bunch of white guys kicking and rolling around on the canvas none of them can take a real punch.

  10. I belong to a couple of discussion rooms on different topics.

    The best thing that could be done on Y Answers is for moderators to be implemented.

    I think that would help eliminate the irrelevent nonsense.

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