
What is with all the car warranty calls?

by  |  earlier

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Its so bad that i am getting them on my cellphone like 3 times a day. Then it says something like "this is the last time we will reach you about this" and it isnt. They always call back an hour later. How can we stop this?




  1. its a scam

    its a scam

    its a scam

    just hang up and dont say anything. dont give your personal info out.

  2. I used to get those too and it was so effin annoying!! If you stay on a little bit longer it will be like press 1 to respond and 2 to be taken off of our list or whatever.  Just press the button that it tells you too and it will stop.  I thought it was just me but I guess everyone gets them.  Go to this website if you want to read more about it.

    It says that you can file a complaint to the Federal Trade Commision and they can sue and fine them and all of that good stuff.

  3. Simple enough, it is a marketing hook to get you to buy a maintenance warranty for your car. They call you with the LAME excuse that your "existing new car warranty" is about to expire and in the confusion of not wanting to "loose out" on some benefit you might have coming, you stay on the line and get to tongue wrestle with some boiler plate programed Wiz-Bang and end up buying a Maintenance Contract on the abandoned car that you are currently living in on the streets.

    I WANTED to buy one but they said that my 1896 steam powered Old Mobile was too last century. But that don't keep the other rubes in the boiler room from calling back with the same offer.

    How to STOP it?, Look on the phone call ID for a 215 Area code. Works for me.  

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