
What is with all the odd questions

by  |  earlier

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Are people trying to be funny? - I can't believe it's the new system causing this...I'm starting to miss "Who do you think will win the Cup.."




  1. I know i asked a question and the category i got was health :S


  2. either ppl are trying to be funny, or the thing that suggests a question is broke.

    If its the 2nd possibility then yahoo should stop giving you section suggestions and you have to pick "favorite sections" and whenever you ask a question you can use those or find your own

  3. I don't know but I am noticing that a lot of them are from accounts that have a name and a letter after, just like our little 'friend' from the last few days.  Coincidence?  Who knows?

  4. I have no idea what is happening. LOL

  5. No, it's Yahoo! They hate hockey, so they're sending those clowns into our section and putting strange questions in here. *sigh*

  6. i think its because of the updates there installing

  7. "try" is the key word here.  you've got a combination of boredom and ignorance all mixed into one big melting pot that is Y!A.  it does almost make you yearn for the days of 'who's better, sid or AO' and 'what do you think of the hossa deal'.  hopefully after school starts (and so the hockey season), there will be less frequent inane questions posted.

  8. I think we are seeing first hand why Yahoo is/was for sale. LMAO.....  

  9. The Devils are gonna beat the Wings for the cup!

    At least in my mind they will.

    Yeah some c**p with the new format being added to Y!A kinda funny but I guess these things happen.

  10. It is new thing with Y!A. I posted a question meant to be for hockey, and the first catagories I got were Family and Relationships, and then Health or something. They are just putting their questions in the hockey section because thats the section Y!A chose for them, and they never bothered to read if thats what the wanted. Its pretty stupid.

  11. You miss that Question. I'm sick of It. OK Who is going to win the Cup?

    Who is going to win the Scoring Race?

    Who is going to be the Player of the Year?

    Who is going to be The Best Centerman?

    Shall I continue.  

  12. It is the new system.A question I asked earlier that only had hockey in the question wanted to put it in entertainment and hockey wasn't even listed.Kids today can't follow directions so this is what is the result.Just look at the prior non-hockey questions and you'll see.  

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