
What is with all the self-diagnosis?

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I just read a question where someone confused dissociation with schizophrenia, and another where someone thought that having high self esteem made them body dysmorphic. And then there are the dozens of questions every day from 14-year-olds who think they are bipolar because their little brother irritates them. This irritates me in particular, being bipolar, and in general because I have a working knowledge of psychology.

Why do people feel the urge to diagnose themselves with serious mental disorders? Do you feel cool, or special? Because it's not cool or special. It's a disorder. And it just makes you look ignorant.

Oh, and all the "depression doesn't exist, people LIKE to be miserable" c**p, could we stop that, too? This isn't the 50's.




  1. Well from my point of view, the point you made about people thinking having a serious mental condition makes them "cool" or "special" is absolutely correct.  Something like schizophrenia or body dysmorphia disorder can't be diagnosed online.  People just want to be considered different and want some e-sympathy.  

    On the otherhand, I don't think there's anything wrong with asking a little help for depression, since it really is pretty common (especially among the hormone-raging teenage girls that frequent this place).

  2. Hi if you have a background in phycology could you e mail me i could use a therapist type person for something!

  3. The Bipolar ones really bother me.  It is like any mood swing and I'm Bipolar.  People do not realize that Bipolar disorder is very difficult and very challenging to live with.  I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

    Everyone wants a label.  Kids want a label.  Years ago Multiple Personality Disorder was the "in" label, now it is Bipolar.  

    But, what they do not realize is that the mood swings destroy lives, medication make you gain TONS of weight and feel sleepy, etc, etc.

    I don't get it.  It is not something to be proud about.  It is not something to want.

    I have stopped answering Bipolar ones, cause it is so annoying.

  4. to have a mental disorder is to bring attention to oneself.  - me

    I am 13, about to be 14 [i hate getting old]  i am only ADHD, though i am so docile.  I also have severe depression, suicidal tendencies and psychotic episodes...[according to my therapist.]  And I always hear in school "oh my god!  like i am so eefin' crazy!  I gotta be Bi polar or somethin' " And I hate it, its like, you haven't even dealt with the stigma of having a mental disorder.  And when I can back from the hospital, everyone thought I was going to kill them,  :(

    What are we going to do?  Society is so fukc'd.  

  5. I completely AGREE, what also irritates me is then people try to answer the questions with what they think is fact but really they have never read up on things and what they are saying is fundamentally flawed.

    And another thing i don't understand, why come on here first and humiliate yourself, when there is the internet with c**p LOADS of tests (not saying i agree with these either but) and lists of symptoms.

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