
What is with all these 12-14 year olds obsessed with acting? Do they realise they have competition?

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It bothers me how it seems like most of these questions are from kids who want to become famous. They think that they can just have no experience and get on Disney Channel and on the big screen.

If this is you... IT IS NOT THAT EASY!!

If someone tries to convince you that it is... They are lying!!

This acting411 blog that everyone is reposting is just a way of getting you excited over nothing... you will not get hired from this unless you have an agent and experience!

If you want to become and actor, sort out your priorities, test it out and see if it is really worth that much to you!! Getting turned down, pushed away, disliked, denied, maybe even hated... if you aren't interested in that go get a different job. Acting is a dog-eat-dog world.




  1. Are you some kind of bitter failed actress? It is so unfair of you to tell these kids that they will never suceed and be succesfull? do you ever wonder if acting is there passion? I dont know if i'm taking a wild guess here but if your acting career sucks maybe its not beaucse acting is such a difficult industry to break into maybe its becuase you suck?

  2. i'm 13 but i'm serious about acting. I appreciate it as an art and so do many other kids our age. Nothing worth accomplishing is easy and everyone has the right to fight an work hard to accomplish their dreams. DOnt generalize because most kids arent actually like what you described. I actually have an agent also and most will work hard at acting.

  3. OK, why do you care, let them dream, f**k!

    i believe it takes time and stuff, so does everyone else! you can't just think your better than everyone going, well, they won't make it. Disney channel is looking for people, so what? They may make it, they may not, let them decide when their older, and if their parents want to get them into now, let them. Stop being such a downer, geeze!

  4. i agree with "summer" I'm 13 and i want to become an actress, model, OR singer. its a dream that i have, and with hard work might come true.

    just watch disney channel. miley cyrus and selena gomez and etc., they aren't good actresses, but they still get the shows. obviously disney acting doesn't take all that much talent.

    if u really want to act and stuff like that (in general), your gonna do what it takes to act or model or sing, your not going to do it if u don't think u haven't got a  shot at it.

    how do you think most actors/actresses make it in the business? it may be harder that we think, but someone has to do it.

    ( ~ 8*

  5. if everyone gave up on a dream because it was not easy, no one would do anything.

    Nothing worth accomplishing is easy.

  6. What was your dream when you were litte?

    Probably somethig unrealistic, right?

    Kids love to dream and set unrealalistic goals because, face it, its fun to fantasice that your rich and famous, isnt it?

    I do understand that theyre usually too lazy to get off their butts and go to an interview, but come on, let them dream!


  7. Okay, I like your question and can sympathize with you.  This forum is polluted by silly, clueless kids.  Seldom a decent thought provoking question.  And there's a difference between being realistic and being negative.  A kid who has never had any training apart from school plays and lives a thousand or more miles away from the nearest union set, simply does not have a chance.  If you tell them that you get the thumbs down.  When I was a kid we all dreamed of growing up to be big shots.  None of us thought we could be on TV right then.  There are a couple of differences now.  Back then there were a few kids on TV.  Now there's a whole channel devoted to them in addition to the network stuff.  So it seems like there's a huge demand.  Back then if you wanted something you had to do some legwork.  Now, everything is a point and click away.  They figure they can go online and get an agent.  Same way they do everything else.  You can't control what other people do.  But you can control your reaction to it.  A lot of these kids are just being kids.  No harm, no foul.  But more than a few of them are losers and will be losers for their whole lives.  The very desire to become famous is indicative that there is a void that can not be filled by anything.  Point to them as an example of how not to be.  I share your frustrations.  

  8. Yeah i kind of...stopped answering those questions.

    Even if it'll give me 2 points I'm getting annoyed.

    Miley Cyrus...Isn't even a real singer, nor star.

    She got through by her dad. (About 5 years she's going to be a p**n star.)

    Anyways, hey it's just a phase, they're kids and it's cool for them to dream about. They just have to be more realistic and see how hard it's going to be to get inside the business.

    And if they really want to be superstars...on Disney.

  9. I live in Southern California, and every waitress, waiter, car valet, etc. is an aspiring actor or actress... and those are the successful ones!  

    For 75 years or more the streets of Los Angeles have been filled with wannabe actors and actors who fail miserably.  Some turn to drugs, some turn to p**n or prostitution.  Far too many have ended up in the morgue.

    I feel sorry for these silly teenagers who watch TV and assume that becoming "a star" will be easy because their friends / classmates / relatives have told them that they are pretty and talented.  

  10. Right... because you'd rather work with fellow pessimists like yourself.

    *rolls eyes*

    These kind of questions (the kind where the person just rants and complains) really have no purpose. Are you looking for a specific answer, or just some sympathy agreement?

    Let the kids dream. THat doesn't mean some aren't taking this seriously. Should little girls who dream of being a ballerina be forced to grow up and give up something they enjoy?

    No one wants to work with someone with your kind of attitude on a production either. I'd rather work with someone less talented who needs more time to get the scene right, but has a kind attitude.  

  11. i agree. but don't generalize. i'm 14 but i'm serious about acting. and i know many teenagers who are too. there are just a few people who think they're going to be famous without an agent or experience. that's just stupid. if you just want fame and can't appreciate acting as an art, you should just go away.

  12. because they want to be like miley cyrus! but  i think 4 people who wanna act should act because u love it not because u wanna be famous  

  13. Dude chill out.Why do you care so much about it?If you're doing good as an actress then you shouldn't care whether or not these kids audition.My god you didn't hear people complaining about you when you started out.People have DREAMS.A LOT of people are serious when it comes to acting and I honestly think that you're just one of those people who don't want to get beaten by a newbie in the business.

  14. Um, wow. You seem pretty bitter and pathetic. Are you jealous because they have dreams that they can probably achieve and you can't because you know no one would look at you?

  15. totally agree but don't generalize because i'm 14 and i'm actually serious about acting. i take acting classes and i act in local theatres and at school and wouldn't dream of acting for disney (mainly because i hate disney and disney stars). i'm building up my expeiriance and am going to try acting as a carrer once i'm an adult. and do i think i'm ever going to get famous? that would be really nice, but i doubt it. i know acting isn't easy and aware that very few ppl make it, and you;d be suprised how many other kids know that too. but for the kids who do think that you can get famous overnight...just let them dream. they'll come out of the clouds really quickly once the reasons you mentioned hit them.

  16. so far

    the only decent question/answer i have seen on this blog  

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