
What is with all these little kids having s*x and then coming here for...?

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I have been reading some of these questions lately and I am hoping like He!! that these kids are just making things up!!!

It makes me sick to think of these kids having babies at such a young age. I know that there are some that do but come on.

If they have question thats fine.

Sorry I Just had to say something about that.

What do you all think about it?




  1. It drives me nuts how they come here n say can i be pregnant? Um hello u had unprotected s*x wat do u think?? are they not teaching kids in school enuf about s*x these days??

    I agree thou 14 and under is a lil too young..

  2. if it feels good, do it.  thats what they're taught in school.  why do you think so many babies are being raised by their grand parents.  kids are having babies, and THEY are not anywhere near grown up. and since they went through the public school system (that teaches the ME attitude) what can happen to the poor baby but, be dumped on some one who already raised their kids and now have to start again. i feel sorry for the parents of the kid who has a kid, now they have two to raise.

  3. I find it annoying. I mean, I see questions on here from 12 year olds fearing that they are pregnant. It's actually quite disturbing to find that all these very young people are having s*x and becoming parents.

  4. ok im sorry to say yes some of the questions asked are stupid, but i dont no what you concider a "kid" but im 16 and i have s*x... im totally aware of the consequence and im ready to aceptt them if they happen. i just asked a question actuall about being pregnet. but i dont concider myself a kid... i mean i agree with you some what but you dont have to put peole out because they questions

  5. I think it is very sad, most of all, sad for the child they are bringing into the world. I have no sympathy for the teens that get pregnant with an attitude like the first kid that answered. I have sympathy for the poor child they are bringing into the world because of their stupid and irresponsible actions. I don't like to categorize, but in most cases of teen pregnancy, the child is not very well cared for, and left to the grandparents. It may not be true in all cases, but from what I've seen, (sadly, teen pregnancy seems to run in my family) that is what happens, and it is the saddest thing. And what's even more sad is when they grow up and leave the "I'm a mature adult at 15, 16" mentality behind, and they realize how sad it was and how much they missed because they did not care for the child the way they should have, or someone else had to take over the parent role for them cause they were not at all ready to grow up and parent the child. It's really so sad.

    I hope the majority of the questions are fake, and some obviously are, but in the sad reality of life, much of it is true.

    To all you young-ens out there that do care for your children, good for you, there should be more like you.

  6. Most of it is made up.   A lot of it isn't.  Very scary stuff.  Like wanting to know if the tampon they used for birth control is effective since the girl seems to be pregnant, all kinds of things.  What disturbs me more than the kids posing as being pregnant are the anti-abortion folks that come on here every night posing as a very young teen who is now suicidal after having an abortion and now desparately wants another chance at a baby, but now they are sterile... that kind of thing.  But the thing is, teen pregnancy is on a rise again after a long time on the decline.  I don't know why they don't know about condoms.  I'm in my 40s and better believe by the time I was 15 I knew all about them I knew what they were and was well prepared.  I think that kids now have so little supervision they will do and say anything for attention... even get pregnant or pretend to be.

  7. I find it very disturbing. First... the majority of the questions they pose are completely ridiculous. One child on here wants to be like Juno and get pregnant at 16 because it's sooo cute and they can give the baby to someone who really wants it. Are you serious?!?! Little do they know that teenage pregnancies are considered HIGH RISK... their bodies just aren't completely ready. The other problem is... are people completely ignoring SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES??? It's really sad...

  8. I agree and it is stupid and the first KID who answered you proves why saying im not a kid if your in high school and living off your parents you have no right to be having s*x because if you get pregnant they and the rest of the nations tax payers have to pay for it. kids are trying to be grown ups before even knowing what it is .it makes me sick to we need to stop treating kids who have kids as being brave or selfless and see them as the stupid teens they are. I know not all teen pregnancys are caused by being stupid and not using birthcontrol but most are

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