
What is with all these young girls getting pregnat?

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I went to my neices little 8th grade graduation this past June and there were 4 girls there with their infant babies and 2 of them were pregnant. WTF is going on here? These girls were about 13, 14 years old. When I was 13 I wasnt thinking about s*x, shoot I didnt get my period until I was like 14, I was late. What can we do to help these young girls?




  1. stop glamorizing young unmarried celebrities who have children. they see all over hollywood people having kids like fashion accessories and you wonder why they want to.

  2. i dont know. its like an epidimic. where are the parents?! thats my question!

  3. It would be ideal to encourage abstinence, but that doesn't work on all teens. The best thing we can do is parent, don't let the kids be alone together with the door closed, seriously what would come of that? Use common sense. And readily answer questions and offer protection, because we can't hover over our kids 24/7 and there are some kids that just don't listen.

  4. You are rite ma dear but the thing is now a days life has become bussy that parents specially mom do not have time spent with grils in teens so that they can be more freindly and get educated or guided by their mothers tha rite ways to handle the sweet teen day carefully and have fun at the same time with a little bit of patients to be really ready to get in bed with opposite s*x . they should be mentally aware and ready to handle all the matters. Moms have to be really active as they were in early days

  5. parents aren't talking to their kids. they don't realize that things are going on in the 6th grade. they assume they're still perfectly content playing tag out at recess. parents need to step up to the plate and talk to their children around age 11-12 about s*x and hormones, protection, rules, self respect, and loyalty.

    if parents offer their teens safe boundaries that both can agree on, then hopefully the children won't cross those boundaries. i learned to set limits for myself as to how far i'm willing togo with a boy. i'm 19 years old and i did this on my own. my limits are kissing. nothing past that. i learned the hard way but i'm still a virgin.

    my mom has always taught me to be conservative and have respect for my own body. i think this issue can be mostly blamed on the parents (sorry, i know many of you don't deserve it and are probably just unaware of what's going on.. but you're consumed by work and the pressures of society so much so that you won't sit down and play a game with your child or sit down and eat dinner with them..) it's better for kids to know at a young age about s*x than to have them learn about it through their classmates. set the example. be a responsible adult and the responsible parent.


  6. its terrible.i didnt even get pubic hair till i was 15 haha. thing is they get pregnant, think its great they gonna be a mummy and when it comes to the crunch, in most cases its the poor grandparents who have the sleepless nights and empty purses, while the teenagers relive their lost youth.

    just live your life go out and make a fool of yourselves without the worry of a little person dependant on u.

    and remember if ur gona do it COVER MR LOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Let me first start off by saying that I'm 15, and I guess I can see it from both the older generations as well as the younger.

    You see, society is always either blaming the parents of this generation or the children. When really, it's the past 50 years that has made todays society the way it is. Parents can only teach their young so much, and then their 'young' grow up a little and choose to do what they want..

    Now, a lot of the problem is peer pressure (as it has been forever). But you also have to keep in mind that all humans are sexual beings. Do you realize that you can buy a condom in a Wal-Mart/convenience store bathroom for $0.50 now? The problem with doing this, which a lot of young teenagers do, is that they aren't aware of how long those condoms have been in there, nor do they know that condoms shouldn't be used after the expiration date. Did you know that 52% of teenagers reported that they had s*x at least once between the ages of 15 to 19? Also, did you know that the pregnancy rate in teenagers has went down in the decade or so, but the STD rate has increased? You see, "protection" is a lot easier to get now than it was 15 years ago; a child of any age can get condoms now and the cashiers usually don't even think about it because it's so common.. but hey, at least they are using protection, right?

    Now, there isn't really anything you can do for these "young girls". Having s*x is a choice that two people make the choice to do. The consequence are drastic and can alter their lives, but you have to let them learn from their own mistakes- take responsibility.

    I know that it's hard to see young teenagers pregnant, as well as teenagers of any age really, but there isn't you can really do. They are going to do what they want no matter what others tell them. So, if you really want to help them, maybe you should spread the awareness of using safer s*x practices, so that maybe there will be even less unplanned pregnancies and so the std rate may go done.

    Have a nice day. :)

  8. Folks need to stop acting like there kids are adults. When I was in my teens I didn't need a cell phone cause I wasn't allowed to go out. Parents need to keep an eye on their kids and know what they're doing. Most of the time mom was a young mother too.

  9. For whatever reason when i was in school around that age you weren't cool unless you were doing dirty things. Now not all kids feel that way but i know several people i went to school with got pregnant. My sister in law had her first baby at 16 and she's the type of person who needs a man to take care of her so she does stupid things like have s*x without a condom, shes a mom of two now and just turned 20. So here's a few theories perhaps they feel like they have to have s*x to be excepted, hollywood glorifies young moms, they're bored and have nothing better to do then have s*x, they're parents don't pay that much attention to what they're doing. I mean there are so many reasons why kids get pregnant the question is how do we lower the rates of teen pregnancy.

  10. Well the government seems to reward teen pregnancies by providing free health benefits, wic and a welfare check every month, and parents would rather live in denial than believe that little Susie is out having s*x with her boyfriend and not playing monopoly or watching disney movies so they don't talk to their kids about s*x or encourage them to use protection.

  11. i think ppl need to start paying more attention to their own kids lives and not the OTHER teens getting pregnant there is nothing you can do for them but some thing you can do for your own child

  12. It's tragic.  

    Parents need to stop thinking their children are perfect little angels and stick them on birth control.  We need to make the topic of s*x a more open conversation between parents/gaurdians and their children.

    It's awful that my husband and I are trying to save up money to actually PAY to have our child, because our insurance doesn't cover everything, while other young single women get free healthcare.

  13. I think some of it has to do with the lack of proper s*x education.  It seems that abstinece is the only teaching method that is allowed.  Most of these little girls are getting infomation about protection from rumors.  My mom sat me down and explained pregnancy, stds, and contraceptions when I was young.  It helped me avoid many mistakes that would have ruined my life.  Proper s*x education is vital.

  14. cause they want to make the world stuffed full of babies?

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