
What is with bacon and eggs, cold cereal or donuts Danish or black coffee for breakfast?

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I mean, why? Why is all that heart stopping stuff provided as morning fare? Why not pizza or beef stroganoff for breakfast? Why not pasta with alfred sauce? Who invented this?





  2. My father used to eat chocolate cake for breakfast sometimes...

    Anyway, breakfast is breaking the fasting of the sleeping/night time period, which means it is essential to restock on nutrients such as carbohydrates which will give a slow release of energy throughout the day until your next meal. The reason that it is so commonly eaten opposed to pasta, pizza, steak... is because it has become to society that this is what we should eat given by advertising companies and traditions. It is not exactly healthy to start your day with a big old slice of pizza, but if you want to be different, break the chain and eat it! It´s just society´s view of what breakfast should be come together over time of what others commonly eat.  

  3. Lots of protien and carbs and fat, energy for the day ahead! I think that was the original idea, but nowadays we know its very unhealthy to eat all that every day for breakfast.

  4. yes........................................

  5. Do you think pizza and alfredo sauce are not heart stopping?

  6. Who knows, but all I know is Pizza and last nights curry or chinese is wonderful for breakfast!

  7. cause its good and holds you off till is ok but not everyday..have pizza for breakfast then eggs and bacon toast for lunch.

  8. Good question, i have no idea i guess coffee is because it wakes you up. Cereal because it's light and for people that don't have much of an appetite in the mornings they can eat it. As for the rest i dont know.

  9. you describe a typical american style breakfast.  most of the world doesn't eat like that.  i don't know who first promoted such breakfasts; probably an ad agency.  

    when visiting asia i often have soup for breakfast.  basically it's chicken and rice soup they call congee.  in europe it's usually fruit, croisant and coffee.  at home, all i usually want is coffee and cigarettes.  believe it or not, i'm actually healthy.

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