
What is with feminism?

by Guest63772  |  earlier

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i mean, really.

what exactly is it?




  1. A movement that fight for more special benefits and special privileges for women.

  2. you posted this

    "d**n, i hate feminists. im serious. they're like "i hate men! theyre all sexist beasts!"

    And then ask what feminism is? I'm like STFU

    lol Kendrick :P

  3. In a nutshell it is about equality for women.

    Women only started getting the vote ~100 years ago and in some countries they still can't.  In Saudi Arabia they cannot legally drive because they need a male relative with them at all times.

    Women have been only able to access Uni education for 150 year and only more equally in the last few decades.

    Until the 1970's it was common for women to quit as soon as they married.

    Even in this day and age men statistically still earn more for the same job than women (even taking into account women taking leave for childbirth / rearing).

    There are obviously all levels of feminism including militant.  But the central line of feminisim (neither militant nor it's polar opposite) is not:

    tearing down men

    demasculinising men etc

  4. A movement that fight for more special benefits and special privileges for women

  5. feminism is a social rule wherein men should treat women equally in manners,socially,mentally and physically.It is to prevent discrimination against women

  6. when woman take pride in ourselves an express our equality 2 our male counter parts

  7. Women are equal to men.

    So, if I am doing the same job as a man, then I want the same amount of money for it!

    The whole point of feminism is that we have EQUAL rights, not special ones.

    I'm not sure how that is a "radical" notion!

    Feminism is not anti-male. It is anti-discrimination.

  8. Feminism-is about equality.

    Obviously you don't care much for it based on your answer stating you hate feminists:

    Troll on.

  9. The feminist movement used to be about empowering women to have equal rights and opportunities as The Other Gender.

    Today's feminist movement is concerned mainly with:

    -Blaming men for all the problems of the world, from high gas prices to hydrogen bombs

    -Converting healthy young men into emasculated, politically-correct, weaklings

    -Ultimately, create a gynocracy ; a society where women have  complete control over men, or even exterminate all men "because they serve no real purpose".

    Go ahead, I know you will give me a thumbs-down. I don't care.

  10. Feminism mostly entails a view of equality for women and movements to get it done. Can range from study, to action of actually getting getting those things done.

  11. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees no discrimination based on s*x, so when the discrimination occurs feminsts take it to court and women's interest groups pay for the legal costs. Basically it is ensuring that democracy works the way it is supposed to.

  12. It is the radical idea that women are people too.

  13. Why are people on this forum if they don't have a real understanding of feminism.

  14. The original feminist movement was about obtaining equal legal and political rights for women, improving educational opportunities, the right to enter professions that were barred to women etc.

    Modern feminism is more about blaming all the troubles of the world on men, and the belief that everything in society must be arranged to favour women.

  15. Some of your answerers are claiming women want rights without responsibilities, but they never specify what those responsibilities are.

  16. Feminism is the doctrine that women should be the legal equals of men. So women should be allowed to vote. They shouldn't be treated legally like chattel or minors. They should be able to have jobs, to be paid the same amount for the same job, allowed to enroll in schools and have school funding distributed equally between men and women; they should have their own credit accounts, not just their husband's; have their concerns taken seriously; be allowed to control their own bodies; have access to birth control; to be allowed to marry who they want to marry rather than being forced into a marriage they don't want... etc.

  17. Look at answer # 4 here...;...

    And uh, you should also know about the first wave of feminsm (the women's rights movement )as its called, which started at a church in Seneca Falls New York in 1848-where some normal folks -women(and some men)- who were just fed up with how AWFUL women were being treated,  got together and wrote down what they thought was wrong and what they planned to do to fix it.

    They called this document The Declaration Of Sentiments. It was modeld after the Declaration Of Independance.

    The church where they did this is still partially standing, as a monument in a state park they turned the area into.

    Anyway with that founding mission document in hand these women went out and for 70 years fought to correct those wrongs I listed  (in answer #4), and this culminated in the passage of an amendment to the constitution which gave women the right to vote.

    So if you read answer 4 again, I guess, you can piece together that feminism was women standing up together and demanding to be treated as human beings.

    Um, and then there was a"second wave" of feminism(go to wikipedia, see Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique) and this is when - starting in the 60's women won  MORE rights (my mom was called Mrs. Bob Schmeezer...a woman was LITERALLY reffered to as Mrs. HIM, Mrs HIS NAME back then.

    She couldnt get a bank loan.Becaus she was ONLY a woman

    This was in the 1970's, that recently.

    Well the 2nd wave fixed problems like that.

    But then when the Republican party wanted to take over the govt (in 80's and 90's and now) THATS WHEN mean a*****e Rush Limbaught coined the phrase "Feminazis"...and it's all just mean propaganda.

    Women are no threat to men. They dont want to wreck the country. They're not anti-men'd be nice to have women in more of the seats in Washington. You should be equally represented in your own government. Thats how a democracy is supposed to be. And if there WERE more women maybe there'd be a bit less emphasis on finding countries to go to war with, and putting more of our own people into jails than any country has ever done (except Stalin).   ((well men like to play control bullt, they like to hunt, be hero worshipped for it as some type of savior figure. But theyve hunting PEOPLE, mostly poor folks, and televizing it, and to brainwash people...and it's very whats called "right wing" (um, start on THAT one by reading Animal Farm, and then google it)

    Uh, so I beleive the reasion the men are so viruentlly hate bashing at the word "feminism" and at women is because they perceive that all that cops&robbers and WAR theyve been getting to play might get curtailed if the women get half the power.

    They might have to do more homemaking like things , like domestic stuff...making a good countrty to have, taking care of our own people, the poor, the kids, the sick, the roads and bridges, education.

    And we should do those things.

    The democratic party used to do this stuff, but its now just a "we're for big business too" party one looks out for the people anymore. All is about War (occupying other countries), ansd Law Enforcement(which is  like us being under occupation here!)

    The male stuff is very ugly! I don't like it.

    Look at my answer here, as to how the Democrat Party USED to be about domestic things (and  not just warring and caging imaginarily 'bad' people, like the Republicans wanted to take the power from them so IT could start doing):;...
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