
What is with kids these days?

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Okay, yeah I know I'm a kid, I'm 12 years old, but seriously I just got back from camp, and I've never known kids were that bad.

Okay so these four girls in my cabin(two of them best friends, the other two cousins) were fighting to two o'clock in the morning and then on of the girls finally said "Shut the **** up." And so then the other girls(lets call them Sally and Jane) got so mad. So then they and this other girl(new girl) went through the two best friend's(call them Hayley and Britney) bags. Me and my friends stayed out of if. But the new girl(Lets call her New Girl) stole some of Hayley's and Britney's stuff(hollister shirts, perfume, expensive sweathsirts, ect..)

And then we were talking about virginity and New Girl(who is going into 8th grade) lost her viginity last year in like June. That means she had s*x right when she got out of 6th grade. And then one of my friends randomly said "My mom and my sister both keep birth control." and so then my other friend( call her Lucy) asked "Isn't your sister a little young for s*x?" and so then the girl(Call her Jasmine) said "She's 18 years old, HELLOOOO!" So then I said "Isn't that a little too young?" and my other friend(Call her Rachel) said "18 is not a young age to be having s*x. I'll probably do s*x when I'm 18 or 17."

I couldn't believe my ears. We're only 12/13/14 years old! And they're already thinking about having s*x(one already having s*x)! And Rachel said "Almost everybody in my school my age has already had s*x."

But anyways when Hayley and Britney noticed their stuff missing, the councelors and cheer coaches(were a cheer team) started going through our bags. But me and Lucy had to go, my mom was picking us up. But Lucy forgot her bag so we went back to get it and saw New Girl being taken away buy the co owner of the team and one of the main coaches. I then heard that they found one of the missing shirts from her. And then my friend and I heard that they found a knife in New Girl's bag and New Girl threatened to stab Sally and Jane if they snitched on her.

I'm just shocked, I never knew girls my age were so bad! Do you guys agree that you don't think girls should act this way? That girls my age think they're all grown up when they're not?




  1. Honestly, they don't sound that terrible to me. Why don't you just stay out of their affairs if you can't take what they have to say. That's all they're doing anyway, buncha talking.

  2. Your right a lot of kids including boys are out of control.Parents have there hands tried,due too the fact that kids can scream abuse at any time and parents get put in jail. When I was growing up,if my Mom and Dad said do something,you had better know they meant it. We did not talk back either,are you picked yourself up off the other side of the room. My mom made us pick switches,and if they were not big enough,and she had too get a bigger one,you got twice as much as you would have. I say parents should be able to spank kids as long as it is done in the right way,on the ***. And if you want something,you have to work for it.And this cramp about them having s*x so dam early,is why a lot of kids or having kids. There not ready for that kind of responsibility,and the cycle just repeats itself,over and over. Parents need to not be so scared too talk to there kids about s*x,they need to have and open relationship about it with them,just like I did with my son.He came and told me about his first time,he even said that he was afraid I would be angry,I said know way I am proud of you for letting me know.All parents should be this way.We should make sure our kids have what they need too protect them shelves. I mean condoms and birth-control. And kids need to be taught about how to keep from getting bad diseases,like Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases.If parents do not take the time kids learn these bad lessons the wrong way,and the cycle never ends.  

  3. Im 40 i have a 13 year old son who stays out of trouble, I was 13 a long time ago but even in those days we had good n bad kids just the way they are now. so ...... nothing has changed and nothing will change ........only names, faces and generations will

  4. If you compare and contrast yourself to others, the lowest of the low always want to bring you down to their level so they don't look so bad. Just do what you think is right.

  5. part of the equal right we have allows girls to join gangs and commit crimes which is a crying shame

  6. I felt the same way you do when I was your age.

    But I'm starting to accept that some girls are just a little... wild.

    Two of my friends [fourteen and fifteen] are engaged,  and the majority  of kids in my town have had s*x, shoplifted, frequently get drunk and have done drugs. But just because they've done those things doesn't make them bad people.

    Personally, I believe in abstinence and don't do anything like that, but in the past I've made mistakes; everyone does.

    If you don't think it's right for you, don't get too involved with kids like that. You'll come across them a lot, but just try to stay true to what YOU believe in, you know? It gets easier as you get older, I'm sure.

  7. Stay away from these type of people all they can do for you is get you into trouble and please remember these girls are too young to be having s*x. PS who cares if everyone at that school is having s*x that doesn't mean you have to and no way does everyone at that school have s*x and had it did that person do a person to person survey.

    Don't believe everything you here and do be pressured into doing something you don't want to do or that your not ready for.

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