
What is with my eye???????

by  |  earlier

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my eye has been watering at really random times lately! i have had a cold the past week or so, but its pretty much gone now.. is that what could have caused it?? i don't have pink eye or anything, but sometimes it will sting a little and then water. for no apparent reason. my hair covers it most of the time... is that the problem? idk... help please :(

thanks :)




  1. two possibilities -one --Refractive error,--two--dacrocytities---better make a reference to

  2. You just need a doctor not suggestions.

  3. Make sure you don't have anything sitting under an eyelid first. I've had a hair get under there and didn't realize it at first. Check in a mirror, or have someone check under the eyelids for you. Maybe the cold. Possibly when you have your hair down in front of your eye a hair is curling into the eye. It might irritate the white part and you not notice, and then feel a sting if it brushes against the cornea. Put you hair back for a little while to see if it goes away. If it doesn't then go see the doctor.

  4. Watering of the eyes can occur if excess tears are produced or tear drainage is affected.

    -Constant irritation of the eye, either due to disease of the eye or due to foreign body in the eye. It can also result from lashes irritating the eye as in ectropion or due to drying of the eye from to any cause.

    -Tears are not being drained properly as in naso-lacrimal duct obstruction.  


    Treatment with antibiotics tablets and ointments.

    If the infection has been there for a long time, it leads to permanent scarring and blockade. This requires surgery called as DCR or dacryo cysto rhinostomy.

    In this, the lacrimal sac is opened, and connected to the nasal mucosa, so the blocked naso-lacrimal duct is by-passed.

    The surgery is done under local anaesthesia in an operation theatre and requires about 1/2- 1 hour.

  5. your hair not make an eye watering

    some of these caused make that :

    block of tearing duct

    high temperature in around



    sensation of weather

    you must to see doctor

  6. have you ever heard of allergies that could be whats wrong with you  i have them really bad and then after the water and atuff yo will atart sneezin and your eyes might itch alot that could be whats wrong with you  

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