
What is with my tooth ???

by Guest63750  |  earlier

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Im 15 and i still have a baby tooth its a little lose but i dont want to pull it out because it will be so embarrassing cause its near the front of my mouth!. Should i go to the dentist what will he do ? im just soo self concious about my smile if it falls out !! what is wrong with me.




  1. i wouldnt worry about it youll be just fine  

  2. Your tooth may be ankylosed. Perhaps you don't have the permanent replacement tooth beneath to dissolve the root of your deciduous tooth. I have a few patients that still have their "baby" teeth into their forties and more. I would not pull your tooth, you may have longer roots on it than normal if you have a congenitally absent tooth. I would recommend a visit to an orthodontist or dentist who can let you know what is going on.They will take one or more radiographs (x-rays) to see into the jaw bone at what is below your tooth.  If there is no replacement you may have space issues that can be discussed at that time - orthodontics (braces), implants, etc., I would schedule a consultation right away and suggest that you not pull it out. Good luck!

  3. well its going to fall out sooner or later weather u go to the dentist or not... so it really doesn't matter its Going to fall out and people are probably going to see it .

  4. i would pull it out and get it over with cuz if u leave it in for too long ur adult tooth is going to start growing in behind it and that could b even worse looking than no tooth at all for a month or so.

  5. don't worry sometimes people can have baby teeth even thought there 16 or 15 cause I'm 16 and i still have my baby teeth in my front and all  of the rest is permanent

  6. Pull it pull it pull it! I had the same thing a while ago. In fact, I'm 18 and I JUST lost my last baby tooth. It was stuck for years (Loose, but wouldn't come out) Because it never came out, the tooth that was SUPPOSED to come up in its place came in backwards and crooked, it now points under my tounge and cuts my tounge to rest it on it. I'm considering having it filed down. Basically: Pull it, your smile will look a whole lot worse with a deformed, backwards tooth like mine (And other than that tooth, I have a perfect smile :/ )

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