
What is with people and underage drinking?!?

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In IL they are trying to make the legal drinking age 18, why are people so against it?




  1. im not sure why people are against but i hate them. But im 18 get wasted and if a law gets passed or not im still gonna do it when i got arrested i brag to the cops how much i drink.

  2. agree...not only are they drinking alcohol like it's going out of style they are using their parents prescription drugs. Veryyyyy scary.

    My sister is 17 and says that kids her age are having things called PHARM PARTIES where people just bring loads of prescription drugs and trade. Blows my mind.

  3. your right..they can vote, and serve their country so then I think they should be able to drink at 18!!

  4. Because even most of those over 21 are incapable of making a responsible decision, when sober.

    The decision making process degrades as BAL increases.

  5. Frankly, they should just eliminate the drinking age. It's not a bartender's or a liquor store owner's job to babysit the kids.

  6. In my opinion, when i was 18 I drank so much more than I do now when I'm 21. There really is no point in having that law. I get in more alcohol related trouble now than I did when i was 18. Nothing stopped my friends and I back then.  

  7. Have I got this right?

    Fatalities and other associated problems with students drinking illeagally. Make it legal, and therefore easier tenfold for them to buy alcohol, and the problem will go away?


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