
What is with people these days?

by  |  earlier

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By no means am I here to judge but why people bother going to a site to read questions only to bash them and then not even answer them?!




  1. I'm tired of people's rude answers too. I'm also tired of rude questions. Especially when it's about the sunni s**+'a divide. People just need to let it go. Try not to let it get to you, and if you must, just remember who that user is, and don't take their answers seriously, and don't look at their questions.

    EDIT: exactly, part of the problem is letting it go. It just grows that way. You have some choices to make then. You can be polite and an example for how Y/A should be. ou can outright admonish people who are rude. You can do a combination of those two. You can report. Or (and I DON"T want you to do this, but this is the ultimate, final, totally last resort) you can deicde to leave for a little while-days, or week-- and come back ready to try again and hopefully people are nicer.

    Hope that helps. Don't leeeeeeeeeeeeave, polite people are hard to find here.

  2. I am going to start campaigning for Palestine rather than bash other people.... Our Palestinian brothers and sisters are in dire need of help...

    At least for a period of time I will be deaf to all insults and bad remarks/ false accusations

    Peace for all

  3. not only to people want to gain unnecessary points..but they also feel that if they answer a question and bash someone, then they will gain self-esteem. Don't worry about those who are ignorant, we can't get rid of them we can only ignore them. People are just rude and inconsiderate sometimes..they feel as though nothing is more important than giving their opinion, no matter how bad it may be.

  4. I find it all a bit tedious and boring as well.  But I simply do not answer such questions and focus instead on questions of substance.

  5. i know thtas what i don't get either. and why are they so rude? someone did that one the questions that i asked and got voted best answer. its messed up.

  6. Report them to officer pinky.  

    Officer pinky will sort them out.

  7. They have nothing better to do and it is kind of fun to get under peoples skin you'll never meet.

  8. lol they do it to get more points or take it as a privilege to be rude and ignorant and not get any bad feedback....loll.....i have to admit evn i do it cuz..hey itz kinda srryyyy just ignore them cuz they dont evn caree loll

  9. i won't say that u are wrong 'cause their are people who write rude answers but i didn't saw them write pretty often

  10. ur new here arent u??? u'l get used to me

  11. because wahabis bash shia

    so i bash them back.

  12. Yea, true. But that's so typical and common in this section. And it's also one of the main reasons I don't like coming here that much anymore.

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