
What is with teen girls and violence these days?

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and this is not all that unique...a similar incident in Canada in 1997 left a 14 year old dead.




  1. A basic lack of discipline. I'm older and from a different time. We didn't raise kids this way. Sadly ours raised theirs differently.

  2. i don't know. IM guessing the enviroment they are in, and hormones which make them act funny : /.  Im a kid myself, 14 years old. I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that.

  3. I think it's two things--post-feminism and a lack of parenting in these girls' lives.

    Feminism has left a lot of people confused about women's roles. Feminists preached that women didn't need men and didn't need to be mothers, and if they were mothers and didn't have a career then they were sheepish and pathetic. This unsustainable edict nevertheless put a lot of pressure on women to be career-minded at any price and men not to stand in their way lest they be labeled misogynistic pigs.

    This social movement both encouraged aggressive and defensive behavior on the part of women and removed women further from the daily lives of their children. Girls are consistently told not just that they can do anything but that they should do everything and do it better than their male counterparts or they won't be counted. They are told to not let family get in the way of their "dreams".

    Maybe it's time we encouraged and allowed women to follow their natural instincts to be loving and involved stay at home moms whenever possible. I've worked in daycare and have seen firsthand the price that all children pay when they don't get enough attention, especially from mom. They often become aggressive and don't care what they do as long as they receive some attention.

    Career-minded professionals simply don't have time to be great Moms and extremely successful parents. I guess if they don't find someone else to fill that role, like a really great and caring full-time nanny, the child will suffer. But all children, all people want most deeply to feel a sense of belonging and a feeling of specialness. If this isn't developed in the most basic and fundamental human group which is the foundation of society (family) then it will be reflected in society as a whole.

    (By the way, I don't mean to undermine the role of fathers and suggest that career-driven professional men don't run the same risk of ruining their children's lives by not paying enough attention to families. But at least American girls in the pre-feminist era had mom around, no matter what. And the same s*x parent is the strongest influence in the life of any child.)

  4. its scary they are catching up to the boys arent they , its been teen boys and violence for centuries

  5. Violence is barbarous in all societies, especially in this Age of human maturity.

    We need better education to eradicate violence in the society as well as in the family. Parents should teach their children, especially their sons, about the importance and value of gender equality.


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