
What is with the Democratic Party?

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First they vote out a woman for President, Then they didn't even consider her for V.P (HIllary). Now they are slamming the potential V.P. on the Republican side. Do they think that woman are not capable of running this Country? I am mad as h**l, and so should you Hillary supporters be. I say lets vote for Mccain. We will show them b******s. ARE YOU WITH ME?




  1. I will vote for McCain because he is the best man for the job!

  2. Why they h**l do you think that they don't like her because she is a woman? Hilliary lost fair and square. Perhaps there was some Misogyny in the Media, but that should hardly reflect the Democratic party. Hilliary would have made a horrible VP (and I have a feeling that she didn't even want the position). Why would you vote for someone just because they are a woman. The Democrats are slamming Palin because she is less experienced then Obama (which McCain has harped on about Obama for ages), and disagrees with nearly all stances that feminist support (including Equal pay for equal work).

  3. N-O! NO!

  4. Uhh

    1) The people didn't vote hillary in the primaries, thats why she isn't the presidential candidate

    2) She wasn't selected as VP because she is incompatible with Barack

    3) They are criticizing her corruption not the fact that shes a woman

    4) If you were once a Hilary supporter than you obviously support Hilary's views. Sarah Palin is an exact opposite. She is pro creationism, pro life under all circumstances, against pushing equal pay for women, anti environment, and fiscally republican.

  5. You have got to be kidding me.  Are you that dense?  

    Obama is in his forties; McCain is in his seventies.  McCain has a really good chance of dying or becoming incapacitated in office with his poor health.  It was pertinent for McCain to get someone in office with foreign policy experience.  

    If anything, you should be mad as h**l that McCain made such a risky gamble.  Our national security is not a craps game.  

    You should be ashamed of McCain for comparing a woman with such caliber as Hillary to Palin.  There's no, I repeat NO comparison.  

    Obama shares most of Hillary's views.  Her support and dignity has assured that she WILL get the nomination in 2016.  

    Palin Pales to Clinton!

  6. Hillary is over.  She lost.  Not because she was a woman.  Do you know how many times she has been investigated?  Hillary.

    Now............. This is not some DAM GAME....... I'm mad and I am going to take my ball and play on the other field with the other kids.


    I HOPE YOU ARE A CHILD AND NOT A WOMAN......... But if you are a woman and you like the state of affairs this country is in...... then you are a danger to OUR COUNTRY!

  7. I'm totally against you.  Look at these past 8 years.  they have been horrible for everybody and its all bc of the republicans.  vote for the democrats and this country will change for the better.  vote for the republicans and its just going to continue in a downward spiral.

  8. LOL you're trying to pull the feminist card against the Democratic party by arguing that Hillary lost the primary!? HOW MANY OF THE MAJOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES WERE WOMEN!? SHUT UP, you're entitled to your own opinions but your argument is just ridiculous. Hillary lost because of a process called "election". Obama won the election.

    As for "slamming" the potential republican vp. OF COURSE THEY ARE SLAMMING THE REPUBLICAN VP NOMINEE, just as republicans are slamming the DEMOCRATIC VP NOMINEE. It's called "CAMPAIGNING".

    Do you seriously believe that the democratic party is "slamming" Sarah Palin because she's a woman!?

    Listen, according to your logic, the republican party is racist because they are slamming Obama! I don't care how many thumbs down I get, your argument is just ridiculous, I'm sorry.

  9. 1.First they vote out a woman for President,

    What, were we supposed to vote her just BECAUSE she was a woman?  Many of us didn't feel she was right for the job, and it had nothing to do with her v****a.

    2.Then they didn't even consider her for V.P

    And you know that, how?  Were you in Obama's office perusing his list of potential VPs?  Honestly, I don't think they would get along, or work together very well.  Hillary lost fair and square, and she knows it.  Not to mention, I doubt she would've wanted to play second fiddle to Obama.

    3. Now they are slamming the potential V.P. on the Republican side

    I slam her because she is a backwoods, Bible thumping, creationist believing, anti-choice right wingnut.  Not because she's a woman.  I slammed Huckabee for the same exact reasons, the only difference is their chromosomes.

  10. Brook B you are so obviously a republican  playing the operation chaos game. Note that your Q&A's a private. You would hate for me to tell these other folks the work around for seeing your other Q&A's, but I'm tempted.

    I've seen them, and I can say, this post is republitrolling at its most transparent.

    What with the republican party? Is trickery all it has?

  11. While your rant is cute, and the cussing is kind of hot, it is pointless.  Hillary lost the election.  More people voted for Obama.  It is not that complicated, and to pick Hillary as VP would not have been good for the party of the ticket.

    McCain picking a anti-choice woman who opposes equal pay for women and hoping that all women will forget these things and just vote for her because she is a woman is insulting.  

  12. I'm with you

  13. Boy, what a lot of false generalizations and "them" people you packed in this question. What is up with the Democratic party is they had a primary of which Hillary lost fair and square. Then the winner of the primary got to do what the rules allow him to do---pick the VP he most wants to work side by side with for the next four years. Truly, would you pick a person to work with who you'd just spent months fighting with? Hillary understands the election process which you don't seem to do. She is now backing Obama as most of her real supporters are doing too. If you were only backing her and now Palin because they sit to pee then someone should take away your voting card because you are dangerous to the democratic process.

  14. You don't get it, I think a woman can run the country but not that one.if you just vote for women then you are just as sexist as the people you accuse

  15. I'm a Republican, and even I think your statements are opinionated and empty of reason.

    They did not like Clinton enough to vote for her.  GET OVER IT.

    Obama could not have worked well with Clinton.  They agree on almost nothing.  (Then again, I thought Biden was a weird choice...)

    Palin is totally different from Clinton.  The only thing they have in common is that they're women.  That's the reason I support Palin, and it is also the reason Democrats don't support Palin.

    Your comments make you sound sexist.  This saddens me, for that is the very thing we have been trying to fight against.  But oh well.  Everyone lives under a double-standard.

  16. Democrats for McCain/Palin.

    Enough political bigotry (stop that, you!, stay with the higher ground!)

    They aren't bad, and it's not all of us.

    Some of us still love free speech, free expression, and equality.

  17. Dems stand for only one thing. Lots of wealth for little or no work.


    The dali Bama is promising to give it to them.

  18. I am with you!!!

    100 %

    After everyone sees how great the country is in the hands of a women, Then maybe we will keep running it.

    ps: Why in the h**l do the Dem's keep bringing up her lack of experience? ? She has spent the same amount of time if not more as Obama dealing with politics.

    The major difference between the two are that Sarah has proof (action) of what she plans to do and Obama has (speeches) about what he is going to do.

  19. LOL... let me know how that works out. McCain will be obliterated in November.

  20. Sounds good to me....

  21. Palin actually had the nerve to call Hillary a "whiner" and just because Palin is female is not a valid reason to vote for her. You have known her for 2 days and you are ready to jump on board when you know so little about her. That makes no sense to me. It is silly women like you that make men think that we are not capable of running the country. Try being a bit more logical and a lot less emotional, and it will help the cause of women much more than ranting about being "mad as h**l" and "show the b******s".  No, I am definitely not with you.

  22. Yes! and so is every woman I know!

  23. Democrat = hypocrite

  24. This is not about who is the president, it's about what has to happen over the next 4 years. We are electing the most powerful and important office, not a vanity popularity contest. Get over yourself.

  25. Not only did they not consider Hillary, they didn't consider Kathleen Sebelius or Janet Napolitano.  Either one would have made a great VP choice.  

    Then there is Geraldine Ferraro, who in my mind is pretty classy, and look how they treat her.  They blame her for Mondale's 1984 defeat.  Like Mondale didn't accomplish that all by himself.

    Thursday night Jimmy Carter inserted his foot in his mouth by saying that McCain was milking his prisoner of war experience.  I was so furious at that remark I swore then and there I would vote for McCain just to spite Carter.  

    About the time I was cooling down McCain comes announces Palin as his running mate.  I was stunned, that was the who I thought was his best choice.  I'll vote for her.

  26. The last thing we need is the Cons telling people how they should think and feel- and what they should do. It will only cause more of a divide and that is what scares Liberals

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