
What is with the TV news at the moment? (UK)?

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Am I the only one who thinks it is utterly ridiculous that the progress in the Olympics is the main and first story in the news, and consequently is taking priority over stories such as the murder/war in Georgia, the horrific plane crash in Madrid today, and where in the world Gary Glitter is all comes second to this. I just think the things that really matter somehow seem to be swept to one side because the British Olympic teams have won a few competitions.

Am I the only one who feels the priorities are a little wrong here?.

No sports fanatics giving me abuse for asking this please - i'll just report you!.




  1. The media is obsessed with sport. Every news bulletin is comprised of headlines, business, sport and weather "in 15 minutes, every 15 minutes". It's the same on the radio - constant interruptions on Radio 5 Live for cricket scores. I totally agree with you that their priorities are all wrong and I often wonder if it's something to do with the television rights that result in £multi-million contracts and multi-millionaire football players and tennis players, etc. Would there be so much money involved if there wasn't so much coverage? I don't know.

  2. I agree with you.  Priorities in the newsroom are backwards.  

    Sports is the last you should be reporting on, not the first.

    A lot of people care about sports.  If someone they support wins, these people feel like they're a better person for supporting them.  

    The Olympics will soon be over. And we can go back to normal again.  

  3. My news source has as a frontrunner the up to the minute update on the Georgia Russian conflict.  I have to hunt to find any info on olympics.

  4. I haven't been following the news too much except on line but the Olympics are a positive thing to watch. The plane crash and the war with Georgia and Russia should be first headlines and they ought to take precedence over celebrities and their pathetic, trivial lives. I mean who wants to know the ins and outs of a child molester? I think the news is depressing though and should have a few happier stories to balance the sadder news.

  5. The news has got pretty bad of late - the Olympics is nice for a change.  I'd prefer if they stuck to reporting the facts rather than the aggressive style of Paxman and the like who just want to drone on about their opinion.  

    I don't bother with it too often now - reuters online is much better and much less biased.  

  6. Yes.  My only consolation is that at least the Olympics are a positive thing.  We could be concentrating on something like Big Brother and who is evicted, or Posh's bunions.

  7. I think the Main news at the moment is the Madrid plane crash. 151 people dead.

    Not good. Very sad for all those people and their families. Devastating.

  8. I watched the news at 10 pm and the lead story was the plane crash, it certainly wasn't the Olympics.  Our local news lead story was about the death of Sudders who wrote "Baldy's Blog", not about the Olympians from our area.

  9. I am with you on this because every time I put the TV on there it is again. Live , then repeats, then talking about it before and after, until I am nearly tearing my hair out. The weather is bad enough without all this lot ... its driving me mad .! Not all of us like to watch running, jumping, more running etc etc When does it finally finish ? tomorrow would not be soon enough. Oh h**l now the football is on... now this is purgatory. 11

  10. I never watch the news on TV ,I prefer to read my news on line that way I can pick and choose the stories I am interested in rather than having to endure wild speculation about this or that.

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