
What is with the news and constantly talking or gosssiping about stars?

by  |  earlier

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What the heck is with all the media and gossiping about stars. Don't they have a ******* life and not worry about things that don't affect them at all. I'm sorry but what Brittany does is none of our business neither is what vick did with dogs ITS NONE of our business so why do they care?




  1. They do this to get viewers.  They know that news about this attracts people and that's why they talk about it, even though it does NOTHING productive and only 1. brings more stress to the stars and their families + 2. waste people's time.

    Here's what they should cover:

    1. Iraqi War with balanced viewpoint on accomplishments and problems.  Both sides.

    2. The Presidential election without all the rumors and wedge stuff.  Let's talk about the issues.

    3. The economy.

    4. The war in Afghanistan and what the US can do to help make it a success.

    5. The Genocide in darfur.

    6. Human rights abuses in Burma/Myanmar..

    7. The mess in Zimbabwe

    8. Oil prices, that's related to economy nonetheless.

    All eight of these topics are great ones, and ones that deserve good coverage. But Beh, the media doesn't cover them too much at all!! Sorry, Im as upset as you are, and apologize for the rant.

  2. Oh, yeah. Because people LOVE watching news about that stuff (the eight answers above) on TV, or reading about it in the paper. Dude, most people don't even read the paper.

    s*x, money and death. That's what people want to read about. So people are're not going to change their minds. You can encourage them not to procreate...

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