
What is with the "Thats what she said" jokes??

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those jokes r the most perverted jokes in the history of perverted jokes!!!!! i hate them, i went to taekwon do camp, and that is when i first heard them. taekwon do is supposed to be respectful and polite to everyone around u, and treating everyone as adults and having fun but not being rude about it. i cannot believe that people at that type of event would be that gross. i know im not perfect and i obviously have my times when i could be more curteous, but i always watch my behavior extra well at class and in camp. even in camp, these guys, and girls, were being that perverted!! how could they be that perverted? y do ppl think those jokes r that funny? they r gross!!




  1. That's what she said .... ha ha lol !!! just kidding !!!

  2. its like when you go to do a kick and you say "this is hard" and someone says "that's what she said." its meant to be funny, don't take yourself too serious 'cause that's what makes life easier is when you can laugh. who doesn't like to laugh. yes its an innuendo (or in-your-endo, sorry had to)

  3. I think jokes like that are so disgusting.  I always feel awkward when I hear them.

    But I guess it's all said in fun. =P

  4. ugh!!!!!!!! omg! i hate it when ppl say things like that!!!! i ttly know what u mean, i didn't understand the joke at first cuz i don't think that pervertedly! but do ppl really think that is funny??????!!!!! and the worst part is the ppl that say things like that r ppl around my age!!!!!! jr. high school!!!!!! thats sick and ppl that say things like that r gonna grow up t b delinquents!!!!!!!! glad somebody agrees with me!!!!

  5. Have you ever watched The Office?  You should sometime, it's really hilarious.

  6. wierd, ive never heard of em

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