
What is with this person on this site??

by  |  earlier

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What is with "J"?? I mean if you look at his questions he is always saying how bad other people photography is and giving (wrong) advice like he knows it all when he is a very beginner. Does he annoy anyone else?? Does anyone have him blocked?? I blocked him!!




  1. Just block him sweetie !

  2. yeah, he doesn't annoy me, i ignore him.  he can't shoot, he can't really compose, his images are mediocre and his advise is not grounded in either experience or book study...y'know it's fairly easy to come up with answers if you have even a photography magazine laying around, (the articles cover alot of ground)

    people that heed his advise learn very quickly that he's full of bovine waste.

  3. He's just a 15 year old kid who thinks he's a pro and knows more than all the others here. There's a song by Bob Dylan called "My Back Pages" in which he says, "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." Hopefully, like Dylan, he will outgrow this know it all stage and actually learn. Meanwhile, he is in dire need of a polarizing filter and some composition advice!

    I haven't blocked him yet, he's still good for a chuckle.

  4. He has some underlying talent for sure, if he took some advice instead of handing out misleading advice to others, his images would improve alot,

    yes hes a know all, such a shame a little humilty and he could be a really great fotog

    i think i have him blocked, proberly its a long list.......


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