
What is with yahoo answers?

by  |  earlier

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all of my questions were removed from yahoo answers... has this happened to anyone else? they were'nt offensive or anything. why were they deleted?




  1. haters plain and simple

  2. Yes it's unfair because of the x-rated antisocial losers who have just violated yahoo answers with the despicable avatars.

  3. What were the questions? Just because it is not rude or offensive, does not mean I does not violate anything...

  4. They probably did not comply with the guidelines.  Being offensive is not the only reason for questions to be deleted.  

  5. yeah iv had that problem just b/c you say somthign some one doesnt agree with

  6. That has happened many times to me.  

  7. some people get offended and some are just haters

  8. Because Yahoo Answers has turned to s h i t.

    Go to Polls and Survey section. There are at least 5 people who's names are REPORTER ___blank___.

    Such as

    Reporter Harry Poter

    REPORTER p***s

    and a lot more.

    gimme a minute. i'll give you a link.

    i suggest you block them all.

    if their blocked, they can't view your questions.


    this guys name doesnt depict it, but he's one of them too.;_ylt...

    same with this guy. its not in his name but he does it too.;_ylt...

  9. Because two folks reported you for 'chatting'

    Appeal your case.

  10. WELL...this qestion wasnt dunno sorry maybe ur too sensible for them lol

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