
What is wolf golf betting?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am an ardent fan of golf, and have place bets on golf too. I have not tried my golf betting skills on fantasy golf games. I want to know in detail what wolf golf betting game and how it is played.




  1. Wolf is a betting game or points game for a group of four players.Players rotate being the “Wolf.” The player designated as the “Wolf” gets to choose whether to play the hole 1 against 3 (himself against the other three players in the group) or 2 on 2.

    And if the Wolf chooses to play 2 on 2, he must choose his partner immediately following that player’s drive. Example: Player A is the Wolf. Player B hits a bad drive. Player C hits a pretty good drive. If the Wolf wants C as a partner, he must claim his partner before Player D hits his tee ball.

    The side with the lowest better ball score wins the hole. If it’s 2 on 2, then the winning side wins the bet. If it’s 1 on 3, the Wolf wins double or loses double.

    There’s also Lone Wolf, in which the Wolf announces before anyone tees off – including himself – that he’s going it alone, 1 on 3. On a Lone Wolf hole, the Wolf wins triple or loses triple.

    For more details on Wolf, read this explanation of Wolf in Chi Chi Rodriguez’s book, “Golf Games You Gotta Play.”

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Latest activity: 11 years, 2 month(s) ago.
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