
What is working class? In swaying your vote, what do you believe is working class?

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Let's say you were an officer in the military and had done several years as a prisoner, does that bring you into the working class. I sure would not want to be a POW.




  1. In my opinion working class are people without a college education who get paid by the hour and work with their hands.

    Middle class means you have a college degree and are working in a white collar or management position.  

    The Upper Class is reserved for people of great personal wealth and it is normally at least in part inherited wealth.  They are the ones who send their kids to exclusive private schools, are members of yacht clubs and own several homes.  They are also generally well educated and have good careers.

    To some extent I think people are trapped in their class.  Someone who grew up in a working class home and goes to college and makes good may be middle class in terms of their income and level of education, but may have a more working class mentality.  

    Same with the middle class to uppper class.  A highly successful person from the middle can do very well and enter the realm of upper class, although it won't be easy to break into the social set and the network that old money have.  Basically, you can jump a class but you can't skip a class very easily.  You can go from working to middle and middle to upper, but it is extremely difficult to go from working to upper.  Winning the lottery does not count.  You can be worth billions and yet still have a very working class mentality.

    Of couse, in America, we have the great advantage of social mobility unlike people in other countries and it is conceivable to jump classes,  In America money dictates class more than anything else.  In places like England your accent and what school you attended count for a lot more.

  2. someone who works his *** off, 40+ hours a week,yet is still going into credit card debt,has to file for bankruptcy, takes out a second morgage and still must take out of his depleted savings just to feed his family.

  3. ..."it typically refers to a section of society dependent on physical labor, especially when remunerated with an hourly wage."...

  4. Working class is below middle class, the pay check to pay check people, the ones the politicians don't care about because they have no money to invest and in our credit driven facade of an economy that means they just don't count.

  5. working class people are mostly miner, fishermen, builders, cleaners etc.

    They create the backbone of the USA's population.

  6. According to McCain it's anyone making less than $5,000,000. So that guy making $4,999,999 is equal to the guy making $25,000. Makes sense right?

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