
What is working in Montreal like? Are employers easy to get long with? Are the French easygoing or uptight?

by Guest44585  |  earlier

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What is working in Montreal like? Are employers easy to get long with? Are the French easygoing or uptight?




  1. Depends on the job obviously, but I've had pretty good luck, except at Dunkin' Donuts and when I worked at Bar-B-Barn and the boss was trying to quit smoking! Hmmm, maybe now that they can't smoke, some will be harder to get along with...

    When I was a boss, though, I was kind of hard to get along with...

    Most French Montrealers are pretty easy-going.

  2. Working in Montreal is pretty easy going and fun if you know how to speak proper french because they don't use much English maybe sometimes when tourists come. The people there are just like any other city/province you'd visit they have outgoing people they have grumpy people and they have shy people just like anywhere else. Most of the time employers are outgoing and easy to get along with as long as you work :P

    They also have so many stores/ buildings to work in as long as you have the proper schools depending on your career choice just like anywhere else.

    Hope that helps.

  3. It depends where you work, like in every other city. I never had bad experiences working in Montreal, usually French-Canadians from Montreal are easygoing, and so are English-Canadians.

  4. you can't be hire if you are not bilingual

  5. It obviously depends on the job, and NO you don't have to be bilingual to get a job here, although it is an assest. I know this because I've worked at many places where there were employees that spoke only French and only English. The province of Quebec is about 80% French speaking, although, 40% of the population of Quebec residents consider themselves bilingual (like I do). So, it wouldn't just be for the occasional tourist. There are a lot of English speaking people here. As for the French being uptight, and getting along with them, I think it depends on the person, just like it does for any other job in the world.

  6. I've lived and worked in Montreal for over 14 years. I've had all kinds of bosses great ones and tyrants!

    The French speaking people are pretty easy going outside of Montreal and a little more stressed in Montreal, but everybody's like that in any big city. Road rage, speeding, lack of courtesy and terrible driving is VERY common in Montreal.

    It's still a great place to live.

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